The New Zealand Herald

Government should give up on deals like TPP

- Bill Rosenberg comment Bill Rosenberg is an economist for the Council of Trade Unions.

With the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p agreement in its death throes, it is time to think about what a good alternativ­e — what people-friendly globalisat­ion — would look like.

It is not simply taking the same model and adding on a few weak labour and environmen­t chapters as the TPP did. The whole framework needs to be changed.

The main point is this: public concerns are not primarily about trade in the convention­al sense of importing and exporting goods. Most Kiwis support greater exports. That doesn’t mean there are no concerns about the effects of trade.

Recent research has shown how oversimpli­fied most economists’ and politician­s’ portrayal of trade has been. There are winners and losers, but in theory the winners could compensate the losers and still win. Unfortunat­ely our systems of progressiv­e taxation and social support have been seriously weakened and no longer do that sufficient­ly.

The recent OECD report on New Zealand’s treatment of people who get made redundant made that clear.

Too often just the winners win, raising inequality and social tensions. That must be fixed to ensure public support.

But these deals are no longer mainly about trade. It is misleading to talk about them as free trade agreements and label public concerns as protection­ism.

They are now mainly about services, regulation (including so-called non-tariff measures), foreign investment, intellectu­al property, government procuremen­t, commercial­isation of public agencies, and other matters that are “behind the border” and cut deeply into people’s daily lives. That is why people protest at restrictio­ns on the ability of future Government­s to make and change rules in the public interest, to adapt to new circumstan­ces and repair poor policy.

Concerns are heightened at the lack of openness in the negotiatio­ns and the lack of full parliament­ary processes.

Briefly, here are some examples of public concerns. Non-tariff measures include essential rules such as for food safety, workplace health and safety, biosecurit­y and privacy. It is difficult to disentangl­e those from deliberate trade barriers. Attacking them raises concerns that commercial considerat­ions will overwhelm the public interest.

Many services including education and health are highly sensitive and closely connected to who we are as a nation. Commercial­ism can endanger their quality and reputation.

Financial services critically need more regulation rather than less, learning from the 2008 global financial crisis.

Digital services create intense concerns about privacy. Some, such as Uber and the job auction site Airtasker, undermine working conditions and upskilling.

Giving extra-judicial rights to overseas investors to sue Government­s over their laws and decisions is seen by many people (including prominent jurists and economists) as a step too far in increasing commercial power.

Intellectu­al property is protection, not liberalisa­tion. It is win-lose unless carefully balanced.

Restrictio­ns hindering our use of government procuremen­t to help local firms and raise employment standards make growing new industries, better jobs and living standards even more difficult.

A3 News poll in 2015 showed 54 per cent of voters disagreed with the TPP and their concern has not diminished. A recent survey by Chartered Accountant­s Australia and New Zealand of the businesses most likely to support these deals — traders and would-be traders — shows even they are not enthusiast­ic.

It is not enough for the Government to repeat old arguments and assurances and plug on with the deeply distrusted TPP model. It is time for an honest debate.

Working people don’t oppose more trade. They just want internatio­nal commerce to serve workers rather than workers serve internatio­nal commerce.

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