The New Zealand Herald

Boys tells us we haven’t come so far after all


This intense deconstruc­tion of Foreskin’s Lament reminds us why Greg McKee’s classic 1981 critique of New Zealand’s toxic masculinit­y is still acutely relevant today.

While the original focused on the fallout for broken rugby players, Eleanor Bishop’s assured extension concentrat­es on the women disrespect­ed off-field: given the Chiefs’ scandal and even Ponytailga­te, Boys tells us that we haven’t come so far after all.

Written for Auckland Theatre Company’s youth festival “Here & Now”, Boys rides the current zeitgeist of self-consciousl­y feminist works such as Silo Theatre production­s Boys will be Boys and Revolt . . . , as well as Power Ballad, the solo show of Bishop’s co-director Julia Croft.

Boys is loud and angry, which is all to the good: Te Aihe Butler’s throbbing, urgent sound design drives the show.

However, using a legal court setup to emphasise blame, it’s also preachy.

The female cast are invited to identify primarily as real-life (middleclas­s) victims, while the male cast are invited to confess misogyny.

Women’s potential misogyny is ignored, and some underlying assumption­s of rape culture — that men are naturally sexually assertive and women are not, for example — arguably go unchalleng­ed.

The performanc­es are high energy and excellent (Arlo Green spitting as Clean is the standout) and the work’s structure is satisfying — difficult to pull off in a meta-work.

Wonderful moments include verbal replays and the interleavi­ng of McGee’s script and current scenarios, which nicely illuminate­s stubborn issues. Foreskin’s own words are quoted back at him: what was he saying about his “blondes”?

He mixes metaphors to explain: “I slipped back into the language like a jigsaw.”

It makes sense: our received patterns of thinking, our jigsaws of inherited culture, are the problem.

Ambitious, interestin­g and welldelive­red, Boys examines several patriarcha­l jigsaw pieces — just don’t take these pieces for the whole puzzle.

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