The New Zealand Herald

Legal experts say new charge possible


Legal experts say that police could charge a teenager over the death of West Auckland schoolboy Stephen Dudley.

Stephen, 15, died on June 6, 2013 after he was punched repeatedly by two teenage brothers at a West Auckland rugby field.

After a coroner’s report was released yesterday ruling the actions of the older of the brothers was “the most significan­t factor” in Stephen’s death, his family revealed that they would ask the Solicitor-General to review the case.

They hope to have a new manslaught­er charge laid against the teenager.

He, and his younger brother, were initially charged with manslaught­er but the Crown withdrew the charges and he pleaded guilty to a lesser count of assault with intent to injure. The younger brother pleaded guilty to assault.

While double jeopardy rules exist in the New Zealand legal system, the fact no one had been tried for manslaught­er meant a new charge should be able to be laid.

Retired District Court Judge Roy Wade said the Dudley’s wish should not be too hard to grant.

“Provided the manslaught­er charge was withdrawn and not dismissed, the Crown should be able to relay it without too much difficulty,” he said. “There is no time limit involved”. AUT law professor Warren Brookbanks said the coroner’s findings “did not bind the police to a further investigat­ion” which may result in new charges.

“In deciding whether to lay a fresh charge the prosecutin­g authoritie­s would be guided by the test for prosecutio­n — that is whether the available evidence is sufficient to provide a reasonable prospect of conviction and whether the prosecutio­n is required in the public interest”.

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