The New Zealand Herald

Collision in space may have created ‘cold spot’

- Sarah Knapton

A curious chilly area of space may have been created when a parallel universe crashed into our own, scientists have suggested — the first evidence that we may be part of a multiverse.

In 2015, astrophysi­cists discovered a strange barren area of the universe which was much colder than the rest of space, and seemed to be missing 10,000 galaxies.

The “cold spot” which is 1.8 billion light-years across, is the largest known structure ever discovered, yet appeared to contain 20 per cent less matter than it should, and has baffled scientists since it was recorded.

But now experts at Durham University have come up with a solution which is not only out of this world, but out of this universe.

They believe that a parallel uni- verse crashed into ours, causing a shunting action much like in a traffic accident when cars pile up on the motorway.

The impact was so extreme that it pushed energy out of a huge area of space, creating the cold spot.

Scientists now believe that if our universe “ballooned up” after the Big Bang, then trillions of others could also have formed in the same way, creating a multiverse of other universes beyond our own spacetime.

Professor Tom Shanks, of Durham University’s Centre for Extragalac­tic Astronomy, said: “One explanatio­n for the cold spot is that it might be the remnant signal of the collision of our universe and one of trillions of others.

“If further, more detailed, analysis proves this to be the case then the cold spot might be taken as the first evidence for the multiverse — and billions of other universes may exist like our own.”

The cold spot is about three billion light-years away from Earth, a relatively short distance in the cosmic scheme of things.

Until the new research was published, most scientists thought the colder temperatur­e in the space might be caused by a literal trick of the light. They speculated that the colder area was actually a “supervoid” which had 10,000 fewer galaxies and was so barren that it sucked energy out of light travelling through it, shifting its wavelength to the red end of the spectrum, which telescopes mistook for coldness.

But the Durham team found that the area actually is made up of clusters of smaller voids, all of which are too little to shift light enough for that explanatio­n to work.

Ruari Mackenzie, a doctoral student at Durham University, added: “The voids we have detected cannot explain the cold spot.”

Shanks said there had to be another explanatio­n. “Perhaps the most exciting explanatio­n is that the cold spot was caused by collision between our universe and another bubble universe, believe it or not.

“I remember some scientists suggesting that there could be detectable effects on the galaxy distributi­on after this cosmic shunt of two universes colliding. Basically colliding universes could leave a slightly anisotropi­c galaxy distributi­on in our own universe — a bit like a pile-up on the motorway. So we can look for this to test how seriously to take these ideas.” The results were published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomic­al Society.

— Telegraph Group Ltd

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