The New Zealand Herald

The world according to Apple

Tim Cook talks innovation, Trump, and the importance of home audio


Megan Murphy: You’ve talked about Steve Jobs and how you revere him. How much time do you spend thinking about what people will say about your legacy at Apple?

Tim Cook: None. To be totally honest with you, I don’t think in those terms. I think more about doing stuff. I hope people remember me as a good and decent man. And if they do, then that’s success.

Steve’s DNA will always be the base for Apple. It’s the case now. I want it to be the case in 50 years, whoever’s the CEO. I want it to be the case in 100 years, whoever’s CEO.

Because that is what this company is about. His ethos should drive that — the attention to detail, the care, the simplicity, the focus on the user and the user experience, the focus on building the best, the focus that good isn’t good enough, that it has to be great — or in his words, “insanely great” — that we should own the proprietar­y technology that we work with because that’s the only way you can control your future and control your quality and user experience.

And you should have the courage to walk away and be honest with yourself when you do something wrong.

MM: I was a little surprised the HomePod [interactiv­e speaker] was pitched primarily as a music device when the competitiv­e talk is of Amazon Echo’s Alexa and the immersive experience in the home. How will the HomePod better integrate Apple inside people’s lives?

TC: We’re actually already in the home through the iPhone you take with you everywhere. It’s in your pocket or laying on a stand. Today, pre-HomePod, I can control my home using Siri through the iPhone.

When I get up in the morning, my iPhone is my alarm clock. I say, “good morning” and all of a sudden my lights come on. The temperatur­e adjusts and a series of things occur. We’re also in the home through Apple TV. Many people use iPad as their computing device. The desktop Mac enjoys a place in the home. The thing that has arguably not gotten a great level of focus is music in the home. So we decided we would combine great sound and an intelligen­t speaker.

MM: So it’s going to be a holistic process joining up all those touch points so people can exercise control over their lives, whether through Siri or iPad?

TC: To put it in perspectiv­e, Siri is getting requests from 375 million devices right now. My guess is it’s the largest by far of any kind of assistant. Some of those requests are done in the home. Some of those are done on the go. That’s the platform that we build off. It’s very different from our starting point.

We’re also in so many languages around the world: Siri isn’t just in English. We’re well-positioned around the world. So, again, what is the thing that’s missing in this equation? The combinatio­n of quality audio and instinct.

“I am so excited about it, I just want to yell out and scream.”

MM: Do you think people will pay [US]$349?

TC: If you remember when the iPod was introduced, a lot of people said, “why would anybody pay $399 for an MP3 player?” when iPhone was And announced, it was, “is anybody gonna was at that time — pay” — whatever it “for an iPhone?” The iPad went through the same thing. We have a pretty good track record of giving people something that they may not have known that they wanted.

When I was growing up, audio was No 1 on the list of things that you had to have. You were jammin’ out on your stereo. Audio is stilll really important in all age groups, not just for kids. We’re hitting on something people will be delighted with. It’s gonna blow them away. It’s gonna rock the house.

MM: You’ve talked a lot about augmented reality at the heart of the company’s future. How do you see AR moving forward?

TC: I think it is profound. I am so excited about it, I just want to yell out and scream. The first step in making it a mainstream kind of experience is to

I am so excited about [the HomePod], I just want to yell out and scream We don’t feel an impatience to be first. It’s just not how we’re wired

put it in the operating system. We’re building it into iOS 11, opening it to developers — and unleashing the creativity of millions of people.

Even we can’t predict what’s going to come out.

There’s some things that you can already get a vision of.

We’ve talked to IKEA, and they have 3D images of their furniture line. You’re talking about changing the whole experience of how you shop for, in this case, furniture and other objects that you can place around the home.

You’ll see things happening in enterprise­s where AR is fundamenta­l to what they’re doing. You’re going to see some consumer things that are unbelievab­ly cool. Can we do everything we want to do now? No. The technology’s not complete yet. But that’s the beauty to a certain degree. This has a runway. And it’s an incredible runway. It’s time to put the seat belt on and go. When people begin to see what’s possible, it’s going to get them very excited.

MM: Apple has traditiona­lly focused on consumers and not on selling to companies. Talk about how you see the

enterprise technology business growing.

TC: Enterprise is like the mother of all opportunit­ies. At one point in time you had to choose, “do you want to do consumer or enterprise?” But the reality today is a bit different: enterprise­s are a collection of consumers.

In the past, almost all applicatio­ns were being written on Windows. So the Mac gradually lost its positions in enterprise.

But today’s a different world. For most enterprise­s, iOS is the preferred mobile operating system. IOS is a fantastic platform because of the ease with which you can write apps that are great for helping you run your business efficientl­y or interface with your customers directly. We see many, many enterprise­s now writing apps. Well, what do they use to write the apps? They use the Mac. The Mac is the developmen­t platform for iOS.

The other thing that has changed is that the most forward-thinking chief informatio­n officers and chief executives are saying, “the top thing is, let’s have happy and productive employees.”

When you care about people’s happiness and productivi­ty, you give them what brings out the best in them and their creativity. And if you give them a choice, they’ll say, “I want an iPhone” or “I want a Mac”. We think we can win a lot of corporate decisions at that level.

MM: You’ve announced a $1 billion advanced manufactur­ing fund. How have you looked at boosting job growth for Apple in the US and globally?

TC: I feel a responsibi­lity as the CEO of an important company to grow jobs in the United States. And so I may have a little different view on this than some of my peers. But I do feel that that’s a role that we have. We’ve thought about it at a pretty deep level: for manufactur­ing, you want to skate to where the puck is going. You don’t want to skate to where it is. So where’s it going? We can do the most in advanced manufactur­ing.

The likelihood of robotics absorbing an assembly-type thing fairly quickly is high. But in advanced manufactur­ing, there’s going to be a lot of jobs. Apple builds so many components here. That’s lost to a lot of people because they only look at the final assembly. We have to do a better job of educating people on that.

Apple’s created 2 million jobs in the United States. A million and a half of those are app developers. They’re everywhere in the United States. But you do see certain demographi­cs who have been left out of that. So we started thinking, what can we do about this? We decided to create a programmin­g language that was easier to learn. We call it Swift.

The second thing we did was say, “you know, we could prepare a curricu- lum instead of asking educators to come up with their own.” We provided one for elementary schools because we think coding should be a required language just like English is. We call that Swift Playground­s. We did that last year. And it’s taking off.

We prepared a Swift curriculum aimed at [older students] and went out to community colleges around the US. We’re providing it for free as well.

We can change diversity by doing this. We can begin to help people who have been left behind by the tech resurgence.

MM: You’ve talked about a tax plan for repatriati­ng the billions of dollars US companies keep overseas.

TC: I’ve suggested that. That’s not the parochial view of what’s best for Apple. That’s a view of what’s good for America.

I’d come up with a reasonable percentage. I’d make it required, not something where people say, “well, I’ll just bring back X”. You get charged, and you can decide whether you want to bring it back or not. But you’re getting charged. That’s what I would do on the past stuff.

On the future stuff, I’d come up with a really simple system. I would go for zero deductions. I wouldn’t allow any. The rate gets as low as it can go. I don’t know what that would be. Maybe it can get to this 15 per cent people are talking about. Maybe not. Maybe it’s 20.

I would still charge a tax on internatio­nal earnings. I am a party of one on this topic. The issue is not that there’s a tax on internatio­nal earnings. The issue is the existing tax has been crazy.

MM: What’s been your experience of working with Donald Trump?

TC: I feel a great responsibi­lity as an American, as a CEO, to try to influence things in areas where we have a level of expertise. I’ve pushed hard on immigratio­n. We clearly have a very different view on things in that area. I’ve pushed on climate. We have a different view there. There are clearly areas where we’re not nearly on the same page.

We’re dramatical­ly different. I hope there’s some areas where we’re not. His focus on jobs is good. So we’ll see.

Pulling out of the Paris climate accord was very disappoint­ing.

I felt a responsibi­lity to do every single thing I could for it not to happen. I think it’s the wrong decision. If I see another opening on the Paris thing, I’m going to bring it up again.

MM: How do you respond to critics who say Apple isn’t as innovative as it once was?

TC: We invest for the long term. We don’t feel an impatience to be first. It’s just not how we’re wired. Our thing is to be the best and to give the user something that really makes a difference in their lives. When you look back in time, the iPod was not the first MP3 player. The iPhone was not the first smartphone. The iPad was not the first tablet. I could go on.

If you get caught up in the shiny thing du jour, you lose sight of the biggest forest. When I think about the big things, I think about AR. We’re not the first people talking about AR.

Nor was it our objective to be. We wanted something well thought out that we could integrate into the platform and unleash a lot of developers to do some really cool stuff with it. We’ve got a great initial start there.

Same thing on the home speaker. We’ve been working on this multiple years. We didn’t feel an urgency to get something because somebody else had it. It’s actually not about competing, from our point of view. It’s about thinking through for the Apple user what thing will improve their lives.

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 ?? Picture / AP ?? Apple’s HomePod is revealed this month.
Picture / AP Apple’s HomePod is revealed this month.

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