The New Zealand Herald

Green MP’s comments stupid: Peters


Isaac Davison

A Green MP’s suggestion that his party could prefer a second election to a LabourNZ First coalition is the “height of stupidity”, NZ First leader Winston Peters says.

Peters yesterday accused the Greens of being arrogant and impractica­l, but stopped short of ruling them out of any coalition deal.

“We are never going to accept that the Greens care more about this country than I do,” he said.

“My family has been here almost 1000 years. And I resent anyone who thinks that I don’t care about my country’s environmen­tal future.” He made the comments after Green MP Barry Coates said his party would consider forcing another election if Labour formed a coalition with NZ First without the Greens — a statement which earned him a telling-off from the Green leadership.

Speaking to the Herald in Tauranga, Peters said: “I think it’s the height of political stupidity to make that sort of threat.

“Because what they’re saying is, regardless of how far they fall in the polls — and they will, mark my words — they still want to be in a government and in control of everything.”Despite his criticism, Peters refused to rule out working with the Greens in government.

Coates said on Wednesday that a LabourNZ First pairing would be “unacceptab­le” to the Greens and that his party could force another election to prevent it.

Greens co-leader James Shaw said yesterday that Coates’ comments were “absolutely not” the party’s position. Asked whether Coates had been told to “pull his head in”, Shaw said: “Yes.”

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