The New Zealand Herald

Remarkable Ardern, rejuvenate­d English

- Audrey Young comment

The blossoming of Jacinda Ardern as a political leader has been one of the features of the 2017 election campaign.

Her leadership over seven weeks has been transforma­tional. She has turned the Labour Party into an acceptable alternativ­e Government, even though little of substance changed between her and Andrew Little’s policy agenda.

With a few exceptions, she has also changed the tone of debate, on the left at least, from one of aggression to respectful.

And if she doesn’t lead the next Government — and she very well could — she has created hope on the left that that prospect is more a matter of “when” not “if”.

Notwithsta­nding the misjudgmen­t of an open-ended tax policy, which she had to abandon, she has given her party hope and confidence.

It has been a remarkable performanc­e.

But National leader Bill English has undergone his own

transforma­tion during the campaign, away from the Jacinda Stardust as he dubbed it in the Weekend Herald.

It was during the early weeks of Ardern’s surge in the polls, at a time when he must have wondered if the horrors of 2002 were about to revisit him.

After a clunky start, English eventually found his own rhythm on the campaign and derived some energy from it.

If he continues to lead the next Government — and he might not — it will almost certainly be quite different to the one he inherited from John Key.

He will have a stronger sense of urgency and command over the Government.

He will not be content with a chairman of the board style.

He will be more hands on because it will be his Government.

The campaign has given him a greater sense of his own political mortality and, if he survives, he is likely to have a greater sense of urgency to make progress on issues he had to confront on a daily basis such as child poverty levels.

And his own party will give him respect — something he only had as Finance Minister, not as Prime Minister.

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