The New Zealand Herald

Weigh the odds before taking the risk


Three quite different situations had me contemplat­ing risk recently. I probably think of risk differentl­y to most. To me, whether a risk is worth taking depends on the potential payoff, the potential downside, and how much I understand the nature of the risk.

The first “risky” situation I contemplat­ed was the plight of voters who voted early, before major election policies were announced or changed. This year’s campaign has encouraged early voting, effectivel­y extending election day to election fortnight, supposedly to cater to our busy lifestyles.

But given the fluidity of election promises, an early vote was potentiall­y a high risk move. You may have voted based on a set of expectatio­ns, only to have those expectatio­ns dashed.

Was it a risk worth taking? This was your vote, your opportunit­y to influence the country’s direction and determine how the government’s budget will be allocated.

Sadly, a lot of voters probably consider the risk of an early vote as minimal. After all, politician­s rarely deliver on all their election promises, and anyway, if you don’t like the the other three pairs to make more than $100,000 in just three months. They weren’t horrible odds.

A commentato­r’s poke at KiwiSaver providers for charging “exorbitant” fees, and his criticism of the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) for not properly regulating the industry, was another trigger to think about risk. The critic argued people choosing the wrong provider risked missing out on extra retirement dollars.

How risky is it for someone to choose a KiwiSaver provider that charges more than another?

The upside could be significan­t. If the after-fee returns achieved over decades of retirement saving are better than those of lower-cost providers, the risk could be well worth taking.

What about the downside? The reverse is also true: if a higher-cost provider lags the returns of others, your retirement nest egg will be smaller than it could otherwise have been.

But, the difference between this risk scenario and the previous two is your ability to influence and change the outcome.

Ling and Zing couldn’t take their house off the market and auction it months later for a potentiall­y higher price. Early voters can’t retrieve their voting papers and change their vote for a potentiall­y different outcome.

But, if you don’t like the returns you’re getting for the fees you’re paying your KiwiSaver provider, you can take your money and give it to another provider anytime, and as often as you like.

In the scheme of things, this scenario doesn’t feel high risk to me.

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