The New Zealand Herald

Humanities’ bullying puts NZ science in retreat


In 2010 New Zealand’s venerable science body, the Royal Society of New Zealand, amalgamate­d with the Humanities Council. Science doesn’t have all life’s answers — where would we be without literature, art, music, diverse cultures and the work of humanities scholars? But the warm, fuzzy talk of inclusion and connection papered over a fundamenta­l and long-standing philosophi­cal clash.

Most scientists believe their scientific method is a superior way of building factual knowledge and, through technology, contributi­ng to humankind’s material wellbeing. What other human endeavours have delivered the internet, space exploratio­n, organ transplant­ation or knowledge of natural selection and continenta­l drift?

This is self-evident to the public, but many in the humanities dismiss the scientific stance as “Western arrogance” and consider science is merely one of many world views, all equally valid.

The “Western arrogance” idea, and a revisionis­t interpreta­tion of the Treaty of Waitangi, are presumably behind the policy at the University of Otago that all research proposals by its scientists must be vetted by a Maori committee. In similar vein, the draft of the Royal Society’s new code of conduct now places the Treaty central to the society’s work.

There follows a proposal that New Zealand zoologists should “partner with Maori” whenever they study native animals. This goes too far. Public expectatio­n is that our animals belong equally to all New Zealand citizens irrespecti­ve of race. The draft code is silent on whether scientists studying animals brought to New Zealand from Europe, such as honey bees or farm animals, should have to “partner” with an ethnic European.

In my view, scientists are already burdened enough by grant-funding, performanc­e assessment­s, ethics committees and legislated permits and regulation­s without having to act out new charades of politicall­y correct consultati­on dreamed up by the humanities.

One of the great indictment­s against the intellectu­al elites of the baby-boom generation is surely their unpreceden­ted enthusiasm for political correctnes­s. I see parallels with how the intellectu­al climate must have been in China under the Cultural Revolution. New Zealanders can’t say what they really believe if it departs from the party line of our vocal intellectu­als, and to do so risks being ostracised as a “class enemy”.

When scientist Dr Bob Brockie protested recently that the Treaty has no place in scientific endeavour he was quickly mocked by an academic commentato­r in the Press in Christchur­ch and opposed in two official postings on the Royal Society website. The organisati­on that formerly promoted science now has a humanities slant. It criticises scientists for the common-sense claim that science is entitled to intellectu­al autonomy unfettered by culture and religion.

Western societies are deeply and dangerousl­y divided on many major issues. It’s clear now that a backlash against the extreme behaviour of elites in politics, government and the financial world was a factor in the Brexit and Trump debacles. New Zealand hasn’t had the backlash — yet — but elitism that is out of touch with common views is abundantly evident. Many corporate CEOs pay themselves obscene salaries and bonuses while holding down their workers’ wages. Some district health board and Auckland Council executives have enjoyed excessive salaries or travel perks while cutting services. Activist judges ensure that soft sentences are still the norm when the 1999 referendum showed that the public wants tougher sentences.

And on a smaller scale we have universiti­es and scholarly bodies adopting or proposing extreme policies that run counter to common sense and public expectatio­n.

New Zealand’s influentia­l elites in positions of power would do well to curb the extremity of their policies and actions lest they add pressure for an ugly populist backlash.

Brian Gill

is an Auckland zoologist and wrote The Unburnt Egg: More Stories of a Museum Curator.

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