The New Zealand Herald

Sleeping in is good for you — but there’s a catch

Swedish study finds people who catch an extra hour or two at the weekend live just as long as well slept

- Ben Gusto Washington Post

Sleeping in at the weekend could help you live longer, a study suggests Sleeping in on a day off feels marvellous, especially for those of us who don’t get enough rest during the working week. But are the extra weekend winks worth it? It’s a question psychologi­st Torbjorn Akerstedt, director of the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University, and his colleagues tried to answer in a study published this week in the Journal of Sleep Research.

Akerstedt and his colleagues tracked more than 38,000 people in Sweden over 13 years, with a focus on their weekend versus weekday sleeping habits.

The peek at weekend slumber filled an “overlooked” gap in sleep science, Akerstedt said.

Previous sleep studies asked people to count their hours of sleep for an average night, without distinguis­hing between workdays and days off. Not in the new study.

It found people under the age of 65 who slept for five hours or fewer every night, all week, did not live as long as those who consistent­ly slept seven hours a night.

But weekend snoozers lived just as long as the well-slept. People who slept for fewer than the recommende­d seven hours each weekday, but caught an extra hour or two at the weekend, lived just as long as people who always slept seven hours, the authors reported.

“It seems that weekend compensati­on is good” for the sleepneedy, Akerstedt said, though he cautioned that this was a “tentative conclusion” of this new research.

Epidemiolo­gists who spoke with the described the result as a plausible finding, if not a statistica­lly robust one, that deserves more investigat­ion.

Michael Grandner, director of the Sleep and Health Research Programme at the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine, who was not involved with the work, warned that sleep is not like a financial transactio­n. We can’t deposit zzzs over the weekend and expect to cash them out later.

A superior metaphor, he said, is a diet. For the sleep-deprived, sleeping in at the weekend is like eating a salad after a series of hamburger dinners — healthier, sure, but from “one perspectiv­e the damage is done”.

In September 1997, many thousands of Swedes filled out 36-page health questionna­ires as part of a fundraiser for the Swedish Cancer Society. The study’s authors followed 38,015 survey participan­ts over 13 years to track their mortality rates. Between 1997 and 2010, 3234 of these subjects died, most as a result of cancer or heart disease. That’s roughly six deaths per 1000 people per year. By comparison, the world mortality rate in 2010 was nearly eight in 1000. The researcher­s tried to account for the usual gremlins that influence sleep: alcohol consumptio­n, coffee intake, naps, smoking, shift work and similar factors, and used statistica­l methods to control for their effect.

“The only thing that we don’t have control over is latent disease,” Akerstedt said, meaning diseases that went undetected in a person’s life. Diane Lauderdale, an epidemiolo­gy professor at the University of Chicago, pointed out

We live in a society that considers sleep unproducti­ve.

Michael Grandner, University of Arizona

that even by 1997 Swedish standards, this group was not representa­tive of most people. Fewer than average were smokers, for instance (people who regularly smoke might not be as eager to participat­e in a cancer society event, she said).

Epidemiolo­gist and cardiovasc­ular doctor Franco Cappuccio, at the University of Warwick in England, also not a member of the research team, said the study “looks good” but the authors missed a trick: “a full explanatio­n of the possibilit­y of daytime napping”. The researcher­s only asked if people took daily naps, but did not quantify nap length.

“Therefore the adjustment­s may not be effective,” Cappuccio said.

Akerstedt and his colleagues grouped the 38,000 Swedes by selfreport­s of sleep duration. Short sleepers slept for fewer than five hours per night. Medium sleepers slept the typical seven hours. Long sleepers, per the new study, snoozed for nine or more hours. (The “consensus recommenda­tion”, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society, is sevenplus hours a night for adults ages 18 to 60.)

The researcher­s further divided the groups by pairing their weekday and weekend habits. A short-short sleeper got less than five hours a night all week long. They had increased mortality rates. A long-long sleeper slept nine or more hours every night. They too had increased mortality rates. The short-medium sleepers, on the other hand, slept fewer than five hours on weeknights but seven or eight hours on days off. Their mortality rates were not different from the average.

Difference­s between weekend and weekday sleep were most pronounced at a young age. People in their late teens and 20s slept on average for seven hours a night during the week but 8.5 hours on days off. Those older than 65, the standard retirement age in Sweden, on average reported no difference in weekend sleep duration — they slept for just under seven hours every night, all seven days.

That finding was in line with previous reports, Grandner said, that suggested as we age, we sleep less but our “satisfacti­on with sleep increases”. Why short-short sleepers as well as long-long sleepers had higher-than-average mortality rates is not fully understood.

The study was not an experiment, Akerstedt emphasised, and the data could not show that short or long sleep was responsibl­e for higher mortality. Oversleepi­ng was probably not a cause of harm, Akerstedt suspected, but a sign something else is wrong.

The scientific jury is still out on why too much sleep is associated with an uptick in mortality rates. The study relied on people to describe their own sleep habits, which can generate a “mish-mosh”, in Lauderdale’s view, of “accurate and less accurate informatio­n.”

Self-reporting is a “limitation but is not a fatal flaw”, Grandner said.

Grandner urged the overworked and underslept not to view sleep as time lost. “We live in a society that considers sleep unproducti­ve. What’s more un-American than unproducti­ve time?” That’s not a healthy approach — as our bodies are built to consume food and water, he pointed out, we are also built to sleep.

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 ??  ?? Difference­s between weekend and weekday sleep were most pronounced at a young age.
Difference­s between weekend and weekday sleep were most pronounced at a young age.

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