The New Zealand Herald

Irish urged to go home to vote in referendum

- James Rothwell — Telegraph Group Ltd

Nearly 40,000 Irish citizens have been urged to return home to vote in a referendum on repealing the country’s tough abortion laws, in the hope of tipping the odds in favour of reform.

According to the latest polls, 56 per cent of the country will vote tonight NZT to repeal Ireland’s eighth amendment. It allows abortions only in cases where the mother’s life is at risk.

The polls show 27 per cent oppose reform, and around one in seven are undecided.

One poll this week suggested that support for repeal was growing, in an apparent reversal of a recent trend that suggested the result would be too close to call.

Though the pro-choice Yes campaign has held a consistent majority since the referendum was announced, experts warn the high number of undecided voters — and concerns of “abortion on demand” in Ireland — could produce a shock No vote.

As a result, Ireland’s cohort of workers in the EU and beyond are returning — encouraged by the HomeToVote campaign — to cast their vote in what many regard as a long overdue vote on women’s rights.

Not everyone who is coming home plans to vote Yes.

The pro-choice group Love Both, for example, is also calling on young conservati­ve voters to return to Ireland and cast their vote for No.

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