The New Zealand Herald

Frustratio­ns over quality of airport service

Singapore Airlines executive claims Auckland’s main portal needs to improve

- Grant Bradley

ASingapore Airlines boss says arriving at Auckland Airport can be a big let down for passengers after enjoying comfort in the air. And a group representi­ng all airlines operating here says it is “absolutely frustrated” at the quality of service at the airport.

Singapore Airlines’ regional vicepresid­ent for the southwest Pacific, Philip Goh, said his company was investing close to $2 billion on upgrading cabins throughout its fleet but airports around this region could be a disappoint­ment.

“For us the entire journey for the customer is important. We put lots of resources and funds on making sure our products are very good in the air but on the ground unfortunat­ely they come up short,” he told the Herald.

“That’s concerning for us because it’s not consistent from home to the destinatio­n.”

Auckland Airport has hit back at criticism of its facilities but does say growth has taken it by surprise.

Goh said his airline was working with airport authoritie­s to help improve facilities.

“You can’t do much if you don’t have enough gates. We have to bus our passengers to the terminal. If you don’t have enough belts and people don’t present baggage fast enough, all that affects [passengers],” he said. “Is there room for improvemen­t? There probably is but how fast can they do it?”

The Board of Airline Representa­tives says airlines worked hard to give their customers a high quality experience.

“When it starts and ends with queues and expensive bills for parking and food at the airport, this clearly dampens the holiday glow,” said executive director Justin TigheUmber­s. “For the most important tourist gateway to the country, airlines expect their passengers to have a high-quality experience at the airport, and as it is increasing­ly clear to the travelling public, they are getting substandar­d service.”

He said airlines and passengers paid more than $300 million a year for facilities at the airport and they were not getting the standard of service they were paying for.

“The airport may point to being caught offguard by extraordin­ary growth, but the truth is this is the result of underinves­tment in facilities over years, while the airport has provided 100 per cent of underlying profits back to shareholde­rs,” said Tighe-Umbers.

Auckland Airport’s chief executive Adrian Littlewood said it took 48 years to get to 15 million passengers and only another four years to reach 20 million passengers.

“Our story at Auckland Airport in many ways mirrors that of New Zealand tourism. No one in the industry predicted this growth and, like in the rest of New Zealand, it has at times put pressure on both our and others’ infrastruc­ture whether it be getting to the airport, walking through terminal constructi­on zones or getting through border processes,” he said.

During the five years to 2017 the company spent 80 per cent more than forecast on new infrastruc­ture. Last year it announced a plan to spend almost $2b in new airport infrastruc­ture over the next five years, he said.

 ?? Photo / Bloomberg ?? Philip Goh said his company was investing close to $2 billion on upgrading cabins throughout its fleet.
Photo / Bloomberg Philip Goh said his company was investing close to $2 billion on upgrading cabins throughout its fleet.

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