The New Zealand Herald

Kids can pile on most kilos at weekends

After serving healthy fare during school week, parents indulge youngsters with food that’s not good for them

- Galadriel Watson

Weekdays can be exhausting for parents. You get the kids up, take them where they need to go and help with homework. You supply the proper food to fuel brains and bodies. By the weekend, everyone is exhausted and ready for fun. Out comes pizza for dinner, fizzy drinks and popcorn with a movie and icecream for dessert, because it feels like it’s time to unwind and indulge.

If this is your habit — to generally enforce dietary rules on weekdays and get a little lax on weekends — you’re not alone.

Sibylle Kranz, a registered dietitian, nutritioni­st and nutrition expert at the University of Virginia, says that for most, “weekend dietary intake is very different from weekday. On weekend days, we seem to have more of what we call celebratio­n food. It’s birthday parties, or going to the pool and getting something from the vendors there, or families getting together and having big meals.”

A recent survey of 192 mums of kids aged 7 to 11 backs this up. “On weekends, kids are eating less healthy foods and beverages more often, and having larger portions of them,” says Debra Hoffmann, a clinical health psychologi­st at Ohio’s Bowling Green State University and the lead author of the study based on that survey.

The study looked at the eating habits of children, including their consumptio­n of healthy and unhealthy foods at weekends.

The kids in the study ate bigger portions of unhealthy foods and beverages, more often — while their consumptio­n of healthy foods dipped.

“I think it’s possible that parents view weekends as a time to let loose and relax,” says Hoffmann. “Children may be eating out more often. And the concern there is that foods at restaurant­s are generally high in calories and low in nutrients, and often have large portion sizes.”

Hollie Raynor, a professor of public health nutrition at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and a registered dietitian and clinical psychologi­st, co-authored a 2011 study on weekday/weekend difference­s in overweight and obese children. She too believes the difference is caused by the lack of structure on weekends compared with weekdays.

But does a little thoughtles­sness matter? Nutrition experts say yes. Hoffmann points out the big concern — “What’s this going to mean for children’s weight?” She notes increasing numbers of kids are overweight or obese.

Raynor’s study also found that children watched twice as much TV on weekends, while other studies have shown children get less exercise on weekends. So if weekends mean more calories and less movement, many of the health benefits kids get on weekdays could be offset by poor weekend choices.

Kranz adds that a healthy diet is “especially critical because growing children have very high nutrient needs”. The body is actively making tissue, and micronutri­ents such as vitamins and minerals are important for proper developmen­t, including in the brain.

Raynor suggests that all adult caregivers need to be aware of how weekday/weekend difference­s “can create challenges for kids, especially if they’re working toward healthier eating goals or being more active”.

Parents should also watch out for summer holidays, which posed similar challenges to weekends, in terms of structure and activity level. “There are data that show that children gain weight during the summertime as compared to during the academic year,” Raynor says.

As a parent, then, how can you keep your child healthy all week, and all year? Hoffmann suggests implementi­ng small changes, rather than drastic edicts such as banning all sugar.

To help kids establish healthy longterm practices while watching calories and nutrition in the short term, promote sparkling water instead of soda, or aim for fresh fruit instead of cake.

“I’m not saying that parents need to say, ‘ Nope, we can’t have our fun weekend routine,’ “Hoffmann says. “I think it’s okay if weekends are a time to let loose a bit. It’s about finding a balance, because the key really is moderation.”

 ??  ?? Nutritioni­sts warn that a weekend chow-down on food high in calories is asking for trouble.
Nutritioni­sts warn that a weekend chow-down on food high in calories is asking for trouble.

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