The New Zealand Herald

Car-making nations to meet on Trump tariff threat


Major car-producing nations are due to meet without the United States to discuss possibly coordinati­ng their response to President Donald Trump’s threat of tariffs.

Representa­tives of the European Union, Canada, Mexico, South Korea and Japan will convene in Geneva this week to debate how to respond if the US imposes levies on car imports, as well as prospects for reforming the World Trade Organisati­on, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Two officials said participan­ts will explore the possibilit­y of an internatio­nal accord to cut tariffs on cars,

What we’ve agreed to is not to impose automotive tariffs while the negotiatio­ns are under way.

Wilbur Ross, US Commerce Secretary

although two other officials said this was not part of the formal agenda.

While European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Trump agreed this week to refrain from “unilateral actions” as the EU and the US negotiate a trade pact, a Commerce Department investigat­ion under an act that permits the imposition of trade restrictio­ns if car imports are found to harm national security is still ongoing, keeping up the pressure on major exporting nations.

“We’ve been directed by the President to continue the investigat­ion, get our material together but not actually implement anything pending the outcome of the negotiatio­n,” US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said last week. “What we’ve agreed to is not to impose automotive tariffs while the negotiatio­ns are under way.”

The threat of tariffs on car imports and levies already imposed on other goods including steel have strained relations between the US and its closest allies. Trade protection­ism adds to a series of disputes, ranging from climate change to Middle East policy, which have upended the ties binding together developed nations since Trump’s election in office.

Though the US auto industry has roundly rejected the need for new tariffs, major car exporters fear Trump could still forge ahead with duties after the Commerce Department releases its report in late August or September.

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