The New Zealand Herald

Draconian powers


The silence in Parliament from the left when the animal NAIT bill was rushed through was deafening. This law change gives employees working for the ministry of primary industries open access to enter any farm at will including farm houses without cause or a warrant. They have the power to photograph and seize anything on that farm or in any farm building without explanatio­n or justificat­ion. There are no checks and balances and no process that requires them to apply to a court for a search warrant. Imagine the outcry if Parliament gave the police rights to enter any urban house or property at will without a warrant or cause to check it out. Where were Labour and especially the Greens with all their rhetoric against the state spying on people?

Oh, I forgot. Farmers have been made second class citizens and have less rights than criminals.

Farmers have become like possums in the headlights as councils and everyone else seek to control their every activity. There can be no justificat­ion for these unnecessar­y heavy-handed draconian powers. Jim Cotman, Te Kauwhata.

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