The New Zealand Herald

Peters fires broadside at Bridges and Nats


Winston Peters chose Simon Bridges’ home city yesterday to launch a broadside at the National Party leader.

The New Zealand First leader, in his keynote speech to the party’s annual conference and 25th anniversar­y celebratio­n, told delegates: “National is leaderless, it’s moribund, it’s vacuous, it’s got bitter and jealous. And it’s a shell of its former self because it’s been seduced by big money and marketing. Substance will always trump shallownes­s.

“Remember this. Simon Bridges will not lead National into the next election. He’s a desperate man.”

Peters’ speech, in front of a Tauranga crowd of around 500 party faithful, was met with enthusiast­ic support as he reiterated what his party had achieved in 25 years. Peters listed the Billion Trees Programme, the Provincial Growth Fund and the Pacific Reset as gains made by New Zealand First in the coalition Government.

Recalling negotiatio­ns after the election, Peters said a modified status quo with a “tired, out of touch, fourth term National Party simply wasn’t going to cut it”.

“National’s behaviour since the election has only confirmed the good sense we had in choosing to go with Labour,” he said to applause and murmurs of “hear, hear”.

Peters said NZ First’s strategy was underpinne­d by two things — being a constructi­ve coalition partner, and going into the election with solid achievemen­ts.

He said the party’s opponents and an “uncritical and mindless” media swarm had conspired over the past month to paint it as the opposite.

“Let us assure you nothing could be further from the truth. We gave our word about being a constructi­ve force in the coalition. We have kept our word and the Labour Party appreciate­s it.”

Peters’ half-hour speech ran on that theme throughout.

Asked by reporters afterwards how NZ First might negotiate next time round, Peters said National could reform itself and find a leader. “It ain’t got one now.”

 ?? Photo / Alan Gibson ?? NZ First leader Winston Peters says “leaderless” National has become “a shell of its former self”.
Photo / Alan Gibson NZ First leader Winston Peters says “leaderless” National has become “a shell of its former self”.

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