The New Zealand Herald

Quit moaning and enjoy the luxuries

For many of us, life is good. Yet it doesn’t stop the complainin­g

- Matt Heath

Alot of us New Zealanders have it good. Comforts, security, entertainm­ent, food, drink and travel. Yet many of these same people are our biggest complainin­g, moaning, bitching babies. Chronic dissatisfa­ction is rampant.

Last week I was shocked by two horrible examples. One was a very public airport lounge moaner, the other was me. But first, how come no matter how good life gets people find a way to be dissatisfi­ed?

Yuval Noah Harriah wrote in Sapiens: “Some scholars compare human biochemist­ry to an airconditi­oning system that keeps the temperatur­e constant, come heatwave or snowstorm.

“Events might momentaril­y change the temperatur­e, but the airconditi­oning system always returns the temperatur­e to the same set point.”

As a result “luxuries tend to become necessitie­s and spawn new obligation­s”.

Meaning if you get underfloor heating in the bathroom it will briefly make you happier, but you’ll soon take it for granted.

Then it becomes your new base level. If you lose your underfloor heating you will be more miserable than before you had it.

Over time you can’t live without a whole bunch of expensive stuff you never needed in the first place. Some end up working themselves to death for luxuries they never needed. But it’s even worse than that. When things get good we humans actually make up things to worry about.

As British comedian Paul Foot put it: “In the trenches, you didn’t have time to be wheat intolerant.”

Last week Air New Zealand’s Koru lounges were extremely busy. It was the school holidays and it turns out lots of Kiwis are lucky enough to be travelling. More than a few have access to premium flight lounges. Fantastic bellwether­s for our country.

But not everyone is happy. Last week an unnamed woman recounted to the Herald her harrowing Koru ordeal.

It was so bad she said she wished she had never been let into the lounge in the first place.

It was packed with people overpiling plates of food and queuing for free alcohol.

All she could do was have a “glass of water” and leave.

I love the Koru. Friendly service, great cheeses, delicious drinks and some of the best soups in the country. But it’s not one of life’s basic needs. Unless of course, you are this lady. It would seem for her a luxury has become a necessity. Losing it hurt bad.

Well not quite losing it. She was still let in while others weren’t. She did, however, have to look harder for a

But having an automatic gate for one day changed me forever. When it broke my heart broke with it. Opening a gate that had once opened itself hurts bad.

seat, wait behind people who had “over-piled” plates of food and deal with other humans queuing for the free alcohol. Actually alcohol they had paid for with their membership.

She could have described the lounge scene as “busy with people lining up for their food and drink”.

But she added the judgmental “over-piling” and “free” to her descriptio­n.

Obviously, those points were important to her. To be happy in these lovely lounges she not only needs access but for people to put less on their plates and not queue for drinks. Poor, poor luxury-addicted whiner.

But I can’t talk. Recently, I got an automatic gate. It felt so good the first time I pressed the remote and watched it magically open. Drove the car straight in. Then it broke.

I’ve been manually opening and shutting gates my entire life. We had to open and close three just to get a car up to the farmhouse I grew up in.

But having an automatic gate for one day changed me forever. When it broke my heart broke with it.

Opening a gate that had once opened itself hurts bad. It took two days to fix. Two long days. I had to manually open and close that gate an unbearable four times. Classic luxury addiction.

As the Rolling Stones say: “Hey, hey, hey. That’s what I say. I can’t get no satisfacti­on.”

We live in the best time in history in the best place in the world. For many of us, life is good. Yet it doesn’t stop the complainin­g.

Maybe it’s time to harden up. If you’re doing okay, maybe shut up and enjoy the luxuries you have. The convenienc­es.

Stop moaning your way around the en-suite bathrooms, sunny decks, second cars, big screens, heat pumps and ski holidays you have.

In the meantime, in case you are still worried about her, I’m going to start a Givealittl­e page for that poor woman who was slightly inconvenie­nced by other humans in the Koru last week. Our hopes and prayers are with her through this difficult time.

 ?? Photo / Getty Images ?? When things are good we humans actually make up things to worry about.
Photo / Getty Images When things are good we humans actually make up things to worry about.
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