The New Zealand Herald

Industry training better value for taxpayers

- Josh Williams is chief executive of the Industry Training Federation.

A new study uncovering the real cost of tertiary education clearly demonstrat­es New Zealand’s industry training and apprentice­ship system is the education sector’s hidden gem. With 145,000 trainees and apprentice­s earning and learning on-the-job, this career pathway is the most effective and efficient way to deliver the skills New Zealand needs, when it needs them.

On-the-job education is co-funded and supported by business.

Employers put their own money and resources into helping people develop the skills and services their industry needs. Yet it seldom gets the credit it deserves.

We suspected New Zealand’s current tertiary funding system was skewed towards campus-based learning.

But because the Ministry of Education reports data and statistics on industry training separately from other forms of tertiary education, it has been hard to compare the real cost to taxpayers of the different types of education and student support.

So, we brought all the informatio­n together, crunched the numbers, and had our analysis and assumption­s tested by the respected economic research firm Berl.

In 2016, the Government spent $1.23 billion to support universiti­es to provide their facilities, staff and tuition, and an additional $680 million on loans and allowances — a total of $1.92b, to support 146,000 domestic university students. Industry training received just $171m, to support 147,000 trainees and apprentice­s — just 6 per cent of publicly funded tuition and training subsidies.

In 2016, the industry training system produced 306 qualified people for every $1m of government investment. For the same level of investment, polytechni­cs produced 51 qualified people and universiti­es 19.

Industry training delivers the highest number of qualificat­ions per year of any part of the system — 52,485 in 2016. In comparison universiti­es delivered 36,085 qualificat­ions, and polytechni­cs 45,650 qualificat­ions. In short, pulling together these numbers shows that developing vocational skills directly through workplaces comes at a much lower cost to the taxpayer than developing skills outside the workforce, in institutio­ns.

So why is New Zealand’s work-based training gem hidden? Firstly, apprentice­s and trainees don’t look like students because they have jobs and pay taxes. Their “campuses” are the 25,000 businesses who train them through industry training organisati­ons.

Secondly, they are in paid employment and don’t draw on student loans and allowances. They don’t need to be subsidised by taxpayers to survive the experience of fulltime study.

At a time of critical skills shortages we at least ought to notice that our trainees and apprentice­s are improving the productivi­ty of the existing workforce, gaining the right skills, doing the real thing.

Between automation, changing employment structures and an aging workforce, earning and learning on the job and upgrading skills throughout your working life is the new reality. Yet New Zealand spends considerab­le time and policy effort, and most of our public funding, on the fulltime study options for 60,000 school leavers, and not nearly enough effort on increasing the skills and productivi­ty of the 2.6 million people in the existing workforce.

There is no industry training without employers and we need more of them to get on board. We are looking for the Government’s current vocational education and training review to establish incentives and support for more employers to join the effort to train for their industries, not simply leave it to institutio­ns to train outside the industry.

We know that the growth in participat­ion and performanc­e in the ITO sector in recent years represents excellent value for money for the Government and taxpayers, because industry is carrying much of the cost, through committed employers and financial contributi­ons.

It’s time to start rebalancin­g our education system.

Front loading skills into young people will not be enough.

And as this new analysis shows, if we moved the needle on the current investment in post-school education and training towards more workplace-based education and training, it would save students and taxpayers a fortune.

 ?? Josh Williams comment ??
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