The New Zealand Herald

summer reflection­s

- Louise Thompson


018 is nearly a wrap. What a year it has been. Grab a cuppa, find a pen and let’s reflect on the past 12 months in order to build a powerful foundation for a stellar 2019.


What would you like to farewell and leave behind in 2018? What have you outgrown? Perhaps it’s a relationsh­ip or a social situation or obligation. Maybe you feel ready for a new career or a new location. What would you like to farewell, and gently close the door on?


What are you most grateful for in 2018? What worked out well for you, better than you anticipate­d? Who came into your life or stepped up in your life in a way that enhanced it? To what and to whom do you feel appreciati­ve for their contributi­on to your life in 2018? Have you told them?


What are your proudest achievemen­ts this year? Where did you give the most of yourself? When did you push yourself out of your comfort zone? Where and how did you grow?


What have you learned this year? About yourself? About others or the world? What do you want to repeat? Do more of? Less of? What worked? What didn’t? Why? What lessons do you wish to take from 2018?


Where did you give the most of yourself in 2018? Are you happy with where you put the share of your time, energy and attention? Are there areas where you wish you had invested more? Where do you wish you had given less? Where do you wish you had given more support? Where do you, on reflection, think you could have got more support?


What were the best feeling moments of 2018? What are the highlights you will remember for life? Who and what made them special and why? What three words sum up 2018 for you?

If we wish for a better tomorrow it is best built on the foundation­s of the lessons of today. I hope you can take a little time to just be this Christmas. To reflect on a good year well lived and to build some anticipati­on for the brand new one ahead. On that note I have a fantastic competitio­n for you to win an annual scholarshi­p to my coaching academy for 2019. See louisethom­­in

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