The New Zealand Herald

Short & Sweet On red tape


On Brexit

Congratula­tions to Theresa May, a courageous lady of great principle, who has stood firm in the face of apparently overwhelmi­ng opposition and prevailed.

Peter Clapshaw, Remuera.

On plastic

So much concern over plastic bags, and rightly so, but why don’t disposable nappies get the same attention?

With 60,000 babies born each year and conservati­vely 30 nappies per child per week for two years, that’s 200 million nappies each year. That’s quite a lot of landfill.

Pauline Paget, Campbell's Bay. I hope I don't get pinged by council for my unlicensed front yard Santa decoration which might distract motorists driving down our street.

Peter Culpan, Te Atatu Peninsula.

On tops

I agree with Margaret Dyer's thoughts on easier can and bottle opening. Often, even those in good physical condition struggle. David Andrews, Tauranga.

On climate

Memo internatio­nal media: I hope you are focusing on the UN climate conference this week and not any peripheral nonsense.

Genevieve Forde, Manly.

On tax

If the Government wishes to help lowincome families this Christmas, they could take GST off food and children's clothing.

Jan Beaumont, Whangamata.

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