The New Zealand Herald

Matty mad for cheese scones and reality roles


My guilty pleasure of 2018 was . . .

Re-watching McLeod’s Daughters on TVNZ OnDemand. It’s terribly good. Plus (spoiler alert) when Claire dies? That got me good, all over again. But I forgot it ran for eight seasons, and those seasons are looooong. I’m still working my way through it.

The highlight of my year was . . .

Hearing Celebrity Treasure Island is coming back in 2019. It’s well documented at this stage that a) I am obsessed with reality TV competitio­n shows, and b) would back-stab anyone I needed to if I ever managed to get on one.

But the lowlight was . . .

Trying, and failing, to find the seminal classic Bring It On on ANY streaming services. Whoever obtains the rights will have my undying support.

One thing I did this year that made me feel smarter was . . .

I managed to ace a Buzzfeed quiz on Which Disney Movie is this Quote From? It’s a low bar, my intelligen­ce. We catch up with wellknown Kiwis to talk about how their year panned out.

Today: Matty McLean

The most delicious thing I ate this year was . . .

The soft shell crab from this restaurant called Woodpecker Hill in Auckland [is] phenomenal. I’ve been back twice since, just so I could have that dish again. But also, the cafe at TVNZ does an amazing cheese scone. I’m a sucker for a cheese scone.

My hero of 2018 was . . .

Taylor Swift. Do I really even need to give a reason? It’s Taylor Swift. The woman can do no wrong.

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