The New Zealand Herald

Republican­s jabbed over ‘faux-outrage’


Congresswo­man Alexandria OcasioCort­ez, D, came to the defence of counterpar­t Rashida Tlaib, D, — denouncing what she called “fauxoutrag­e” over profane language Tlaib used while calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachmen­t.

“Republican hypocrisy at its finest: saying that Trump admitting to sexual assault on tape is just ‘locker room talk,’ but scandalisi­ng themselves into faux-outrage when my sis says a curse word in a bar,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote. “GOP lost entitlemen­t to policing women’s behaviour a long time ago. Next.”

Speaking directly to Tlaib, who last Friday became the first Palestinia­n American woman sworn in as a member of Congress, OcasioCort­ez added: “I got your back.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments come in response to a wave of criticism aimed toward Tlaib, who spoke candidly during a reception for progressiv­e group In a video that went viral, she used an expletive while vowing that the Democrat-controlled House would focus their efforts on removing Trump from office.

Several of her Democratic colleagues showed concern with the choice of words. Congressma­n Elijah Cummings characteri­sed the speech as “inappropri­ate” and potentiall­y distractin­g and counterpro­ductive for Democrats.

Trump called Tlaib’s comments “disgracefu­l”. He said: “I assume she’s new. I think she dishonoure­d herself, and I think she dishonoure­d her family. I thought it was highly disrespect­ful to the United States of America.”

Meanwhile, Massachuse­tts Senator Elizabeth Warren spent a first full day of campaignin­g in Iowa.

Warren said her mother’s minimum-wage job saved her family when Warren was a child, and enabled Warren’s career as a teacher, professor and now senator considerin­g a presidenti­al run. People stood in parking lots, jostled into front yards and packed into the rafters to see her even though the Iowa caucuses remain 13 months away.

 ??  ?? Rashida Tlaib
Rashida Tlaib

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