The New Zealand Herald

Handcyclis­t hurt in crash

- Belinda Feek

Awell-known Kiwi handcyclis­t is in a critical condition in Christchur­ch Hospital after being hit from behind while out riding. Ian Mark Walker became a paraplegic after crashing into a truck while cycling about 10 years ago.

He recovered and took up handcyclin­g, later completing the New York Marathon in 2014 and 2017.

Achilles NZ co-founder and friend Peter Loft said Walker was also the first in their team to take part in the Auckland Marathon last year after wheelchair­s were allowed to take part.

However, his mate is now in a critical condition in hospital after being hit by a 4WD durnig a training run on the rural and high-speed Pannetts Rd, near Springston, on the outskirts of the city on Wednesday afternoon.

Police confirmed emergency services responded to the crash at 3.10pm.

“He’s out there training every day,” Loft said. “I know he’s been hit by a vehicle from behind so I’m presuming the person driving the vehicle was busy doing something else and didn’t see Ian.

“Ian is always hi-vis. He wears bright-coloured clothing and has a flag on the back of his handcycle, so he’s pretty safety conscious out there. But yeah, it’s a tragic accident.”

Walker’s partner, Louise, is overseas and unable to get a flight home to be by his bedside until tomorrow.

“From what I heard she’s trying to get a flight home and can’t get back until Saturday,” Loft said.

“And the hospital quite rightly won’t give us any informatio­n because it’s his personal stuff and I don’t know anyone he’s got in New Zealand who’s family apart from Louise.”

Friends had since been posting messages of support on social media.

Spinal Trust NZ marketing manager Mike Brown wished Walker all the best with his recovery.

The trust worked with Walker after his first debilitati­ng crash, offering peer support and vocational rehabilita­tion.

“Our thoughts are with Ian and his family and we wish him all the best for a full recovery. We knew him well,” he said.

Walker is also a former national league football coach.

 ?? Photo / Ian Walker ?? Handcyclis­t Ian Walker is in critical condition after being hit by a 4WD while on a training run.
Photo / Ian Walker Handcyclis­t Ian Walker is in critical condition after being hit by a 4WD while on a training run.

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