The New Zealand Herald

May struggles to save Brexit deal

Tory rebels vote with opposition on bills to keep pressure on PM

- Jill Lawless in London

Britain’s battle over Brexit has turned into political trench warfare between Parliament and the Government with lawmakers appearing determined to thwart Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans.

A month after postponing a vote on her little-loved EU divorce deal to avert near-certain defeat, May urged Parliament yesterday to support it to prevent Britain leaving the European Union on March 29 with no agreement on exit terms and future relations, an outcome that could cause economic and social upheaval.

“The only way to avoid no-deal is to vote for the deal,” May told MPs in the House of Commons on the first of five days of debate ahead of a vote on Tuesday.

May postponed the vote in midDecembe­r when it became clear lawmakers would resounding­ly reject the agreement, a compromise deal that has left both pro-European and pro-Brexit politician­s unhappy.

Rather than warming to May’s deal since then, lawmakers have tried to wrest control of Brexit from the Government and put it in the hands of Parliament.

An alliance of governing Conservati­ve and opposition legislator­s has dealt May two defeats in as many days — symbolic setbacks that suggest a power shift from the executive to the legislatur­e.

The House of Commons yesterday voted to prevent the Government delaying key decisions as Brexit approaches. Lawmakers approved a motion saying that if Parliament rejects May’s divorce deal, the Government must come up with a “Plan B” within three working days. Lawmakers would have the power to amend that plan.

Pro-EU Conservati­ve lawmaker Dominic Grieve, who proposed the measure, said it was intended to speed up decisions, to help avoid a no-deal Brexit and “the calamitous consequenc­es that would follow on from it”.

The government previously had 21 days to report back to Parliament.

In a sign of the anger and division Brexit has sown among lawmakers, the motion prompted bad-tempered scenes in Parliament, as Conservati­ves accused Speaker John Bercow of contraveni­ng parliament­ary convention by allowing a vote on the amendment.

On Wednesday, legislator­s backed an amendment to the Finance Bill that puts roadblocks in the way of government spending on no-deal Brexit measures. The vote, which saw 20 legislator­s from May’s Conservati­ve Party rebel and side with the opposition, indicates that a majority in Parliament opposes leaving the EU without an agreement and will try to stop it happening.

May has refused publicly to consider an alternativ­e plan, battling instead to shore up political support for the withdrawal agreement struck between Britain and the EU after months of painstakin­g negotiatio­ns. Last month she promised to seek reassuranc­es from the EU on the most contentiou­s issue, the status of the Northern Ireland-Ireland border. But the bloc refuses to reopen the agreement, and opposition to the negotiated deal remains strong among British lawmakers.

May insisted yesterday that “further clarificat­ion” from the EU was possible, “and those talks will continue over the next few days”.

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the main opposition Labour Party, said that “not one single dot or comma has changed” since December’s aborted vote.

“Isn’t the Prime Minister bringing back exactly the same deal she admitted would be defeated four weeks ago?” he asked.

Amid the political stalemate, proBrexit members of Parliament are urging the Government to ramp up preparatio­ns for leaving the EU without a deal. Economists and businesses warn that would cause economic turmoil, as goods moving between Britain and the EU suddenly faced customs checks, tariffs and other barriers.

A majority of members of Parliament oppose a no-deal Brexit, but it remains the default option if May’s deal is rejected. And there is no clear majority in Parliament for any single alternate course. Among the competing proposals are postponing Brexit to seek a new deal, calling a general election or holding a second EU membership referendum.

Labour said it would try to trigger an election by calling for a noconfiden­ce vote in the Government if May’s deal is defeated next week. There’s no guarantee Labour could marshal the majority support in Parliament needed to topple the Government — and even if it did, a new election would not automatica­lly stop the Brexit countdown clock.

 ??  ?? Theresa May
Theresa May
 ??  ?? Jeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn

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