The New Zealand Herald

Bureaucrat­s should ask before they go snooping


The Government needs to set clearer expectatio­ns about acceptable methods of investigat­ion for public servants. This week, the Herald revealed the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment spent $112,000 hiring a security firm to teach staff how to use fake social media profiles to gather intelligen­ce.

The document outlining the contract was posted on MBIE’s website on the day State Services Commission­er Peter Hughes released a report which showed government agencies including MBIE had used private investigat­ors Thompson & Clark to secretly record insurance claimants and spy on protesters — a decision Hughes called “an affront to democracy”.

Regional Economic Developmen­t Minister Shane Jones has promised senior ministers will be briefed on the MBIE course, saying Kiwis should be able to go about their business “without the fear of bureaucrat­s peering into their social media”.

However, he added that the training might be useful for Immigratio­n staff trying to track internatio­nal students who used student visas as a back door to New Zealand residency.

Jones’ answer suggests the training could well be a hamfisted attempt to deal with a legitimate problem. Government department­s have been caught asleep at the wheel on a number of fronts for many years, often because they clung to a mantra of light-handed regulation instead of taking decisive action.

The former Building Industry Authority failed dismally to stop the leaky building crisis 20 years ago because it believed the constructi­on industry would monitor itself. The Qualificat­ions Authority and Immigratio­n New Zealand were too slow to act on illegal behaviour in the lucrative export education sector, preferring to give repeat offenders second chances for years instead of prosecutin­g.

The same overly cautious approach led to the resignatio­n last month of NZTA chief executive Fergus Gammie, after it emerged that his agency had not been checking warrant of fitness providers properly. More than 20,000 suspect warrants have been issued and at least one death has been linked to the inadequate checks.

It must be tempting for ministers and bureaucrat­s to conclude that at times it is necessary to put the rulebook aside to get the job done. In fact the opposite is the case.

If public servants need more powers, they should push to get them and politician­s should debate the proposed changes in public. If officials can show they need greater legal authority or even training in the arts of subterfuge to curb criminal behaviour, they may win official support.

But such decisions must not be made in secret, with the appearance government department­s have suspended the rules, including natural justice.

It seems the profession­al culture of some government department­s needs an overhaul.

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