The New Zealand Herald

Short & Sweet


On surveillan­ce

The computeris­ed personal informatio­n about citizens held by government­s, and Facebook’s endless private data, bring us ever closer to the world depicted in 1984 and Brave New World.

Peter Culpan, Te Atatu¯ Peninsula.

On eradicatio­n

1080 is the best tool we have for preventing introduced vermin from munching up all our native birds. Phil Skipworth, St Johns.

On Brexit

Who runs Britain: the Conservati­ves in office or the Conservati­ves in opposition? Gerald Payman, Mt Albert.

On influencer­s

Your Papamoa correspond­ent is incorrect. Webster’s Internatio­nal Dictionary of the English Language advises “influencer­s” are ones who/that influence. Barbara Dowd, Omaha.

On Eden Park

Is Emperor Goff readying us for his waterfront colosseum that will lose more money? Pim Venecourt, Torbay.

On the moon

Don’t call the far side of the moon the dark side. It gets as much direct sunlight as the near side. It’s just that the near side gets a tiny bit of indirect sunlight reflected off the Earth. Andrew Tichbon, Green Bay.

On KiwiSaver changes

There is no sign of a plan to reduce the exorbitant fees providers rake off for virtually no effort, with a monthly fee on top. Jock MacVicar, Hauraki.

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