The New Zealand Herald

Cryptic crossword



1. Read it closely and only half hope it’s a trick (6)

4. Makes us necessaril­y return a part of the head-count (6)

9. Getting a clear profit by throwing it over the fruit bushes (7)

10. Take everything off for the journey south to begin with (5)

11. The area is linear where measuremen­t is concerned (4)

12. Put up with Teddy (4)

13. Spoil the return of the butter (3)

15. Soundly made a search for the kind (4)

16. One who looks down his nose may be at last working (4)

19. It’s the highest one can go, giving it a whipping (3)

21. Or, a note to the elderly (4)

22. You, as I used to address you, were equal to 500? (4)

24. Entered parts in reverse order with a bar of metal (5)

25. Brave Georgia everyone returned to, not being dishearten­ed (7)

26. It takes travelling crane to gain one lost with the attempt (6)

27. Top of corkscrew slackened off, then stopped altogether (6)


1. Old copper with its quarter two-wheeler (5-8)

2. Doesn’t go to work any more − but does go upstairs? (7)

3. A bit of a mistake to find it in a woman’s wardrobe (4)

5. Making certain Len is our king: caps off! (8)

6. Material gains credit in simply halving it (5)

7. Great girl, posh, dated when topless and pensioned off (13)

8. Say one will get silver mouthpiece, but don’t finish it (5)

14. Look more cheerful having a higher IQ? (8)

17. Takes top off to make bee dash about (7)

18. Paving stones hoisted to the tops of mastheads (5)

20. Father will put on one fewer heathen (5)

23. Being a trifle exposed inside, make a break for it (4)

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