The New Zealand Herald

Short & Sweet


On climate strike

Apparently someone has repealed the law against teaching politics in schools. So if we are to do demonstrat­ions really well we might send them to school camps in North Korea to learn co-ordinated public weeping? Hugh Webb, Hamilton.

On scooters

Regarding Lime scooters: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a pussy cat according to Auckland Transport. Susan Battye, Point Chevalier.

On fee

Shows you how much grip our Government has on real life when Willy Jackson is quoted as saying $1000 a day is a cheap consulting fee for Mr Cullen. I wonder how somebody on the minimum wage feels about that statement? Jock Mac Vicar, Hauraki. Some people have short memories. I recall Jenny Shipley receiving $1000 a day as part of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority appointed by Gerry Brownlee, and Paula Rebstock receiving $2000 a day to chair the overhaul of Child Youth and Family. Sharon Marks, Te Aroha.

On child abuse

I assume the same treatment will be applied to the Catholic Church that is being applied to Michael Jackson’s music by the bleaters in the radio media. Catholic Church – guilty. Michael Jackson – not guilty. Paul Garvin, New Plymouth.

On pursuits

If you don't want to die, there's usually a gear stick you can push to neutral within easy reach and often a hand brake that lead to the vehicle stopping. Randel Case, Bucklands Beach.

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