The New Zealand Herald

Mum of Breivik victim feels Christchur­ch pain

- Nicholas Jones

The mother of a Kiwi teenager killed by a Norwegian far-right terrorist has spoken of her “despair, grief and anger” at the Christchur­ch mosque killings — and sent love to the victims’ families.

Sharidyn Svebakk-Bohn, 14, was one of 77 victims when Anders Breivik went on a shooting and bombing rampage in Oslo and Utoya Island on July 22, 2011.

Breivik is a white supremacis­t, like the gunman accused of taking 50 lives in the attacks on two Christchur­ch mosques. After Friday’s attacks, Sharidyn’s mother, Vanessa Svebakk, wrote of her “shock, despair, grief and anger” in a post of Facebook.

“A series of mechanisms automatica­lly kicked in. Body and mind go into protection mode — to protect our children but especially ourselves. And yet with almost eight years of brutal training as a bereaved family, it still didn’t prepare us for the horrific scenes that unfolded in New Zealand,” Svebakk wrote.

Since Sharidyn’s death the family had fielded a steady number of media requests, Svebakk wrote. Most were ignored, but occasional­ly they spoke up in order to remind the world about the victims of such atrocities.

“And each time we let the world see into the ‘little window’ that is our sorrow and pain, the media’s perspectiv­e becomes slightly more balanced. And when we are done, all the days in between are spent trying to live life as normal, well at least our version of ‘absurd normal’ . . . as best we can.

“And then today happens. Another terrorist attack! But this time not just any country . . . the country of my birth, where our daughter, Sharidyn was born! Devastatin­g that even more families — are now members of a ‘club’ that none of us want to be members of — victims of terrorism.”

The Christchur­ch killings were another reminder of life’s fragility, Svebakk wrote: “Our thoughts and tears today are dedicated not only to our own loved ones that we buried almost eight years ago, but especially to the almost hundred Kiwi families that will spend the rest of their lives trying find their own version of ‘absurd normal’ in the aftermath of the day that changed their lives forever. At least until the next terrorist attack.

“Arohanui Christchur­ch . . . Love always New Zealand.”

Svebakk, who grew up in Mount Maunganui and now lives in Norway with her family, could not be reached for comment.

Breivik killed 77 people in Oslo and Utoya Island, where Sharidyn and others were at a youth camp. His trial added to the distress of victims’ families, as he gave Nazi salutes and made mission statements about his farright, white supremacis­t ideology.

The Herald revealed yesterday that the mosque killings suspect, Brenton Tarrant, plans to represent himself in court — raising concerns he will try to turn a trial into a platform for his beliefs.

 ??  ?? Sharidyn Svebakk-Bohn, one of Anders Breivik’s victims .
Sharidyn Svebakk-Bohn, one of Anders Breivik’s victims .

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