The New Zealand Herald

Response to feeding baby shocks mum

Staffer at Disney show tells breastfeed­ing mother to move away from public area

- Emma Russell health

AWellingto­n mum is shocked after being told by a staffer at a Disney On Ice show to “move to the parent room” to breastfeed her baby boy.

Jen Maxwell, who was drawn to tears during the ordeal, told the Herald she was shocked as this was her third baby and she had never experience­d anything like it before. “This is 2019 and it’s a family Disney

On Ice show for goodness’ sake.” Maxwell wanted to share her story because she didn’t want any other mum to have to experience the embarrassm­ent she had suffered.

“I’m glad it was me and not someone new to breastfeed­ing or someone having issues and struggling with feeding as it would be enough to put some people off it,” she said.

Her family had travelled from Wellington to Hamilton especially for the show on Saturday.

Due to the loud noise Maxwell and her husband were taking turns holding their newborn outside the show.

“As bubba needed a feed, I headed out the door into the foyer which was empty except for the employees because

the show was still on.”

Maxwell said she sat down on one of the seats and was in the middle of feeding him when a staff member came up to her and said “there is a family room down there” and pointed down a corridor.

“I was absolutely shocked. Here I was feeding my new bubba and someone told me I couldn’t.

“I said, ‘actually I don’t think you can ask me to do that, he has every right to be fed here’.

“She said that I was sitting in a public space and people might not like it and could see me”.

Maxwell said there was a blanket covering her baby and no skin showing but the staffer told her children might see it and that wasn’t okay.

The Hamilton events facility has since apologised, saying it was extremely disappoint­ed by the incident.

“This was totally unacceptab­le and is not in line with our values as a family-friendly venue that strives to make all visitors feel welcome and safe,” organisers wrote on Claudeland­s NZ Facebook page.

“Please be assured that Claudeland­s supports of the rights of mothers to breastfeed at any time and place, and we will be taking immediate steps to better educate all staff and contractor­s on these rights.

“We apologise unreserved­ly for the upset caused.”

The post has garnered comments from more than 100 people, with many congratula­ting the facility for owning up to the mistake.

“Great work fronting up to this issue and allowing it to spread some education,” one person wrote.

“Well done Claudeland­s for taking this stance and supporting women to breastfeed when they need to be out . . . with their babies,” another said.

Maxwell said Claudeland­s had contacted her directly to apologise and assured her this would never happen again and that the staff had been spoken to about breastfeed­ing.

“I’m really happy with the way they have dealt with the issue this afternoon. I feel really confident this won’t happen to anyone again.”

Claudeland­s is owned by Hamilton City Council.

 ??  ?? Jen Maxwell was feeding Marlow at the Claudeland­s Events Centre in Hamilton when she was asked to move to the parents’ room.
Jen Maxwell was feeding Marlow at the Claudeland­s Events Centre in Hamilton when she was asked to move to the parents’ room.

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