The New Zealand Herald

Lordy, Lordy it’s the Monorail Mayor

Matt Heath Mayoral hopeful wants to solve Auckland’s transport woes

- Matt Heath Listen to Matt Heath on the Radio Hauraki Breakfast. 6am-9am weekdays.

I’ve sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and, by gum, it put them on the map.” — Lyle Lanley, Springfiel­d 1993 (The Simpsons).

You probably think monorails are a novelty. Designed to move tourists around zoos, Disneyland­s and Seaworlds. Stupid joke trains driven by the likes of Homer Simpson. But Auckland mayoral candidate Craig Lord loves them. He believes a monorail could solve Auckland’s transport problems. Is he crazy?

Craig Lord is running because he thinks “the current Mayor and council suck. Too much spending in the wrong places, and no focus on our needs and wants, our money is being siphoned away on vanity and nonsensica­l projects”. For Lord the 47-year-old ex-engineer Auckland needs a change in direction and that includes a sensical monorail.

Although monorail isn’t quite the correct term. Elevated Column Mounted High Speed Mass Transport is a better descriptio­n. Craig reckons a ECMHSMT system is a good idea because “no pedestrian­s get squashed, no cars get hit, no muppets driving across railway lines while the bells are ringing. Stations can be inside car parking buildings! If laid out properly, we can traverse Auckland’s unique terrain much easier — Wooooosh.” Auckland Transport doesn’t share Lord’s love of monorails. They came up with three main objections. Lord summarises them thusly: 1. It wouldn’t match the visual design of the Unitary Plan. 2. Cars might crash into the columns. 3. Columns will increase crime because people will hide behind them.

I am not convinced by any of these arguments. I walk past columns all the time and don’t feel the need to commit crimes. I don’t see a column and get the urge to murder. Well no more than I do on train platforms or behind trees. As for the visuals, has AT been to Disneyland? Monorails look awesome. If an ECMHSMT doesn’t fit your visual design, change your visual design to a more awesome one. Problem solved. According to Lord there have been quite a few developmen­ts in monorail tech in recent times. There’s

“the pneumatic/air propelled system called Aeromovel. They have been operating since 1989. There are 70 installati­ons underway around the world. It’s autonomous, and from research done so far, it’s the cheapest and greenest mass transport currently in operation”.

Then there’s Maglev. Magnet propulsion. The units glide on air but are propelled by magnets. “It’s the high-speed stuff made in Japan. But they might be too expensive per km for us, because we don’t want to go from the CBD to the airport at 2500kph,” Lord says. I asked Lord if he thought the legendary The Simpson’s “Monorail” episode has put people off the idea. He said “Maybe it did, but the link to it has helped me get the topic out there.”

He has a point. I would not be writing this article if I didn’t enjoy that Conan O’Brien written episode of The Simpsons from 25 years ago. Everyone knows the song. A few years back while on a monorail in Vegas my co-host Jeremy Wells asked an armed police officer “Do you think the track may bend?”. The cop was obviously a Simpson’s fan because he answered “Not at all my Hindu friend”. So I came in with. “What about us braindead slobs?” the cop sung back “You’ll be given cushy jobs”. Then a bunch of drunk people on the train joined in with a chorus of “Monorail, Monorail, Monorail”. One of the great moments of my life.

I asked Transport Minister Phil Twyford about monorails on the Matt

and Jerry Hauraki Breakfast Show last week. He said “the evidence of monorails doesn’t stack up that well” but he agreed with Lord “that we need a rapid transport system in Auckland”. Unfortunat­ely legendary broadcaste­r Jason Hoyte was in the studio at the time and he bogged down the conversati­on in some unhelpful gondola chat. Then Twyford had to go.

Lord admits he has no idea how much a monorail system in Auckland would cost. “I’ll find out if Aucklander­s ask me to hook into the idea.” But there is already support. In a completely meaningles­s unscientif­ic online poll 62 per cent of the 1000-plus responders said yes to monorails in Auckland.

Lord says: “There are the naysayers, the people who prefer to live in a ‘Oh we can’t do that’ world, I tend to live in a glass half-full mindset. It’s the engineer in me. I love projects that people say can’t be done.”

So will Lord become the “Monorail Mayor”. No. Probably not this time. But at least he’s passionate­ly throwing up interestin­g ideas. People may laugh off monorails. But ask yourself this. How sane is it to spend $4.5 billion building a train hole up Queen St?

 ??  ?? Some big cities like Kuala Lumpur have monorail.
Some big cities like Kuala Lumpur have monorail.
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