The New Zealand Herald

Short & sweet


On Kurds

Andrew Tichbon is right on the money. The Kurds should have their own state, as should Palestine. S P McMonagle, Greenhithe.

On Ardern

Those who believe in bestowing immunity from criticism on our PM on account of her gender are themselves indulging in the sexism they suspect in others. Jane Margaret Livingston­e, Remuera.

On footpaths

Will the newly elected council complete a review of paths and constructi­vely improve this Auckland commodity? Evelyn Kaye Gilbert, Takapuna.

On insurance

Cliff Ginders suggests medical insurance should be mandatory for visitors to New Zealand. By the same token, medical insurance should be mandatory for all Kiwis travelling abroad. Jonathan Jepson, Torbay.

On housing

The only way we will house all the people in need is with low-cost prefabs and by stopping immigratio­n for a period of time to allow us to house our own people. Tom O’Toole, Taumarunui.

On polls

A government’s popularity on the Colmar Brunton poll is inversely proportion­al to the price of petrol. Gary Hollis, Mellons Bay.

On Brexit

Boris de Pfeffel Johnson’s Brexit leaves Northern Ireland both in the EU and in the UK. Like Schroeding­er’s cat — alive and dead until you open the box and look. Dennis N Horne, Howick.

On Saville

What is the point of Andrew Saville presenting the TV1 sports news at a pedestrian crossing in Japan when other commentato­rs have been there since the start? Bruce Tubb, Belmont.

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