The New Zealand Herald

Turkey to ‘return’ Isis members

Interior Minister criticises nations for revoking citizenshi­p


Turkey says it will send Isis (Islamic State) members back to their countries of origin.

Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said members of the extremist group held by Turkey would be returned regardless of countries revoking their citizenshi­p.

Turkey has accused the Syrian Kurdish forces it is fighting in northeaste­rn Syria of releasing Isis families from camps last month. There has been widespread internatio­nal concern that thousands of Isis detainees in Syria could escape.

Soylu said about 1200 foreign Isis fighters were in Turkish prisons and 287 members, including women and children, were re-captured during Turkey’s offensive in Syria.

The minister has previously said foreign Isis members in Syria would be taken to prisons or camps operated by Turkey-backed Syrian fighters in so-called safe zones in northern Syria, including in Jarablus, al-Bab, Azaz and Afrin. Turkey cleared those areas of Isis and Syrian Kurdish fighters, which it deems terrorists, in two previous operations.

He said more fighters were held in deportatio­n centres in Turkey.

He hit back at Western nations, including Britain and the Netherland­s, for not repatriati­ng their citizens who joined Isis or revoking their citizenshi­p. He said “we are not a hotel” for any country’s Isis members.

Meanwhile, Turkey says it has captured the elder sister of the slain Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. A senior Turkish official called the arrest an intelligen­ce “gold mine”. The official said 65-year-old Rasmiya Awad, who was captured in northweste­rn Syria, is suspected of being affiliated with Isis.

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