The New Zealand Herald

Mingle with a minister for $1500

- Audrey Young

The Labour Party will monetise its party conference by running a $1500-a-head fundraisin­g business seminar in Whanganui today, where ministers are gathering for the party’s annual conference.

Wealthy businesses and advocates are expected to help raise at least $40,000 for Labour’s campaign coffers as they rub shoulders with a range of party MPs, including Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

But struggling non-government­al organisati­ons (NGOs) will be attending as well at no charge.

It is understood attendees will include people who have found it difficult to get appointmen­ts with ministers in the Beehive.

Officially, the MPs will be speaking in their capacity as MPs, not ministers.

Trade Minister David Parker will be speaking as a Labour MP but primarily about trade.

Ardern denied it was charging for access – a practice that Labour has previously criticised National for.

“No – if it were, you’d expect everyone was [paying] and NGOs and charities are not.”

“There are people who are attending at no cost. It’s not unusual that those who are able to pay a fee pay a fee to attend and those who are not will not.”

She said she had just been to two business events where there had been no charge to mix and mingle with her.

Ardern and ministers frequently speak at lunches for paying guests run by commercial institutio­ns. Last week Ardern spoke at a $350-a-head lunch run by the Trans Tasman Business Circle.

The event will run from 10am to 3pm. Labour general secretary Andre Anderson said about 40 businesspe­ople would be taking part among the 50 participan­ts.

Business NZ chief executive Kirk Hope is one of those attending and will be appearing on one of the panels, as is Economic Developmen­t Minister Phil Twyford.

Finance Minister Grant Robertson is expected to attend but his office has not confirmed. The event is not open to the news media.

In 2014 National got into strife over revelation­s it was running what it called a “Cabinet Club” for which members paid up to $10,000 a year to attend functions at which ministers spoke. In 2013 Labour charged organisati­ons a fee for setting up a stall at its annual conference.

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