The New Zealand Herald

Impeachmen­t articles marched to the Senate

Stage set for only the third trial to remove a president in US history


In a dramatic procession across the US Capitol, Democratic House leaders marched the formal articles of impeachmen­t against President Donald Trump to the Senate yesterday, setting the stage for only the third trial to remove a president in US history.

Trump complained anew it was all a “hoax”, even as fresh details emerged about his efforts in Ukraine.

The ceremonial pomp and protocol by lawmakers who will be prosecutin­g the case against Trump moved the impeachmen­t out of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic­run House to the Republican-majority Senate, where the president’s team is mounting a defence aiming for swift acquittal.

“Today we will make history,” Pelosi said as she signed the documents, using multiple pens to hand out and mark the moment. “This president will be held accountabl­e.”

Moments later the prosecutor­s walked solemnly through the stately hall, filing into the Senate back row as the Clerk of the House announced the arrival: “The House has passed House Resolution 798, a resolution appointing and authorisin­g managers of the impeachmen­t trail of Donald John Trump, President of United States.”

Earlier, the House had voted 228-193, almost entirely along party lines, to deliver the charges. The split reflected the deeply divided nation at the start of this presidenti­al election year. It came one month after the

House impeached Trump alleging he abused his presidenti­al power by pressuring Ukraine to investigat­e Democratic rival Joe Biden, using military aid to the country as leverage. Trump was also charged with obstructin­g Congress’ ensuing probe.

“This is what an impeachmen­t is about,” Pelosi said before the vote. “The president violated his oath of office, undermined our national security, jeopardise­d the integrity of our elections.”

Trump’s political campaign dismissed the House effort as “just a failed attempt to politicall­y damage President Trump leading up to his reelection”.

The Senate will now transform itself into an impeachmen­t court. The Constituti­on calls for Chief Justice John Roberts to preside at the trial, administer­ing the oath to senators who will serve as jurors and swear to deliver “impartial justice”.

Technicall­y, the House was simply notifying the Senate of its delivery of the articles, with a more formal presentati­on. Opening arguments are to begin next Tuesday after the Martin Luther King jnr holiday.

The top Republican in the House, Kevin McCarthy, of California, said Americans will look back on this “sad saga” that tried to remove the president from office with the “weakest case”.

The president’s team expects acquittal with a Senate trial lasting no more than two weeks, according to senior administra­tion officials.

That’s far shorter than the last presidenti­al impeachmen­t trail, of Bill Clinton, in 1999, or the first one, of Andrew Johnson, in 1868.

As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sets the rules for the trial, senators are under pressure with the emerging new evidence to call more witnesses for testimony.

The seven-member prosecutio­n team will be led by the chairmen of the House impeachmen­t proceeding­s, Representa­tives Adam Schiff of the Intelligen­ce Committee and Jerry Nadler of the Judiciary Committee, two of Pelosi’s top lieutenant­s.

Ahead of Wednesday’s session, Schiff released new records from Lev Parnas, an associate of Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, about the Ukraine strategy, including an exchange with another man about surveillin­g laterfired Ambassador Maria Yovanovitc­h.

Schiff said the new evidence should bring more pressure on McConnell, who is reluctant to allow witnesses to testify and also prefers swift acquittal.

“If McConnell makes this the first trial in history without witnesses, it will be exposed for what it is and that is an effort to cover up for the President,” Schiff said.

McConnell opened the Senate dismissing what he called a rushed impeachmen­t that is more about the politics of Democrats who don’t like Trump than the charges against him.

“This isn’t really about Ukraine policy or military money,” McConnell said. “This has been naked partisansh­ip all along.”

Trump’s trial will be only the third presidenti­al impeachmen­t trial in US history, and it comes against the backdrop of a politicall­y divided nation in an election year. The managers are a diverse group with legal, law enforcemen­t and military experience, including Hakeem Jeffries of New York, Sylvia Garcia of Texas, Val Demings of Florida, Jason Crow of Colorado and Zoe Lofgren of California.

Two are freshmen lawmakers — Crow a former Army Ranger who served in Iraq and Afghanista­n, Garcia a former judge in Houston. Demings is the former police chief of Orlando and Jeffries is a lawyer and member of party leadership. Lofgren has the rare credential of having worked on the congressio­nal staff investigat­ion of then-President Richard Nixon’s impeachmen­t — he resigned before the full House voted on the charges — and then being an elected lawmaker during Bill Clinton’s.

All but one Democrat, Collin Peterson of Minnesota, voted to transmit the articles. All Republican­s voted against. One former Republican­turned-independen­t, Justin Amash of Michigan, voted to transmit.

McConnell faces competing pressures from his party for more witnesses, from centrists who are siding with Democrats on the need to hear testimony and those mounting Trump’s defence.

Senate Republican­s signalled they would reject the idea of simply voting to dismiss the articles of impeachmen­t against Trump, as Trump himself has suggested. McConnell agreed

he does not have the votes to do that.

Senator Susan Collins, of Maine, is leading an effort among some Republican­s, including Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, to consider Senate witnesses. She told reporters she was satisfied the rules will allow votes on that.

Romney said he wants to hear from John Bolton, the former national security adviser at the White House, who others have said raised alarms about the alternativ­e foreign policy toward Ukraine being run by Giuliani.

Those four senators could force votes. Republican­s control the chamber, 53-47, and are likely to acquit Trump. But it takes just 51 votes during the trial to approve rules or call witnesses. It also would take only 51 votes to dismiss the charges.

Senator Rand Paul, of Kentucky, wants to subpoena Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of a gas company in Ukraine, Burisma, while his father was vice-president.

McConnell prefers to model Trump’s trial partly on the process used for Clinton’s impeachmen­t trial in 1999. It, too, contained motions for dismissal or calling new witnesses.

McConnell is hesitant to call new witnesses who would prolong the trial and put vulnerable senators who are up for re-election in 2020 in a bind with tough choices. At the same time, he wants to give those same senators ample room to show voters they are listening.

 ??  ?? The articles were ceremonial­ly taken from the House to the Senate.
The articles were ceremonial­ly taken from the House to the Senate.
 ??  ?? Nancy Pelosi signs the articles.
Nancy Pelosi signs the articles.
 ?? Photos /AP ??
Photos /AP

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