The New Zealand Herald

Accused defending herself, jury told

- Anna Leask

A woman who fatally stabbed her partner with a 19cm kitchen knife says she was defending herself and her teenage son after being subjected to years of domestic violence.

Karen Anne Ruddelle is on trial in the High Court at Auckland for the murder of Joseph Michael Ngapera, 56, in November 2018.

During an argument after they’d been drinking, she stabbed Ngapera twice in the chest, penetratin­g his heart and killing him almost instantly.

Ruddelle doesn’t dispute she killed Ngapera — but denies it was murder.

Opening the Crown case yesterday, prosecutor Chris Howard told the jury that the night before the death Ngapera and Ruddelle were at a Manurewa bar “socialisin­g and drinking, largely without incident”.

At 3am they were dropped off at Ruddelle’s address by her nephew.

“At that stage there was no sign anything was wrong,” Howard said.

Less than two hours later Ruddelle’s adult son Potu Cameron was woken by his 14-year-old brother.

Cameron found Ngapera lying on the floor of the dining room with no pulse and obvious stab wounds.

He called 111 and tried to revive Ngapera, but his wounds were fatal.

Howard said the couple had a rocky relationsh­ip and were known to police for domestic violence.

At one stage Ruddelle had a protection order but in September 2018 it was discharged at her request.

When police arrived she was said to be hysterical. She was overheard saying, “I just murdered somebody, someone I loved so much”.

When told Ngapera was dead, Ruddelle was allegedly overheard saying “thank you Jesus”.

She told an officer Ngapera “came at her like he always does”, that she “grabbed the knife” to protect herself.

Howard suggested Ruddelle “could have used non-lethal force”.

Defence lawyer Shane Cassidy briefly explained Ruddelle’s version of events. “She and Joseph had been arguing and during the course of that argument he became angry and he came at her like he always does.”

He said Ruddelle’s 14-year-old son had stood between the pair and pushed Ngapera.

“Karen instinctiv­ely picked up ... a knife on the table, put herself between her child and her partner and stabbed Joseph twice in the chest to protect [her son] from what she believed was going to follow.

“She killed the man that she loved — but she did not want or intend for him to die.”

The trial continues.

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