The New Zealand Herald

Extra slice of city paradise


Auckland’s public space has just grown by 95ha, with a $12 million purchase effectivel­y doubling the size of idyllic Mahurangi East Regional Park.

The purchase gives the public access to bays, inlets and the ridged peninsula of the Mahurangi Harbour as well as, for the first time, land access to the existing park.

Developmen­t options include mountain biking and walking trails, camping and bach accommodat­ion, but keeping the wilderness experience of other regional parks.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff described it as “one of the biggest additions in years” — and acknowledg­ed the support of the John Turnbull and Margaret Turnbull Trusts, which put up nearly half of the $11,750,000A¯ purchase price.

Councillor Alf Filipaina, chair of the Auckland Council’s parks, arts, culture and events committee, said park acquisitio­n of this scale was not often seen, given the cost of quality land — often coastal — that meets council criteria.

“The benefits this property offers, in terms of recreation­al opportunit­ies and protecting open space, made it a high priority for acquisitio­n.”

The council owned and managed 27 regional parks across the Auckland region, totalling more than 40,000ha.

Rodney councillor Greg Sayers said Rodney’s regional parks were a special feature of the northern part of the region.

“Visitors to this area are spoilt for choice with Te rai, Pa¯kiri, Ta¯wharanui, Scandrett and Mahurangi forming stepping stones along our northeaste­rn coastline,” he said.

But given projected growth in the area, having more open space would be welcome.

Parks portfolio holder Christine Fletcher noted the land’s conservati­on value.

“This property is noted as having outstandin­g natural landscape and natural character values.”

Access roads, and basic infrastruc­ture like fencing, signage and toilets, will need to be installed before the parkland can be opened to the public. No dates for a public opening have been confirmed.

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