The New Zealand Herald

Remedy for virus rubbished

- David Fisher

A homoeopath­ic remedy claiming to “help prevent” Covid-19 is being sold by a manufactur­er saying he has “essential service” classifica­tion from the Ministry of Health.

A microbiolo­gist has rubbished those claims and warned those taking it against a false sense of security.

And it has earned a warning from the Ministry of Health over products claiming to offer people protection from coronaviru­s.

Hamilton-based manufactur­er Endo Health has shipped hundreds of bottles of the product, says company owner Ron Blincoe.

Despite being aged 85, Blincoe said he left the house during lockdown to post the remedies, having been classified as an “essential service” by the Ministry of Health — a classifica­tion the ministry said didn’t apply to “natural health services”.

Documentat­ion Endo Health sent to customers with its bottles of “Influenza Complex 2020” was provided to the Herald. It claimed the remedy was “effective against the influenza viruses expected to be prevalent for the coming winter”. Among other viruses, it lists Covid-19.

University of Auckland associate professor and microbiolo­gist Dr Siouxsie Wiles reviewed the documentat­ion: “It clearly says ‘homoeopath­ic’ so we know it doesn’t have any active ingredient.

“It won’t cause any harm but it won’t protect against colds and flu and certainly not Covid-19.”

Blincoe confirmed the documentat­ion claimed the remedy contained a “strain” of Covid-19.

He said it would be changed to reflect the fact it contained the “frequency” of Covid-19, as determined by a radionic machine, rather than the substance of it.

Blincoe said he expected health authoritie­s to react to the remedy and its claims “badly”.

He said he sold each bottle for $17, plus $5 postage.

A Ministry of Health spokeswoma­n said there were rules governing alternativ­e products and anyone who stepped outside those faced investigat­ion by Medsafe.

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