The New Zealand Herald


- — Miriyana Alexander Premium Content Editor

Today, the New Zealand we know and love is dramatical­ly different from a few weeks ago. As the coronaviru­s pandemic swept the globe, our country went into lockdown — the most drastic curtailmen­t of our freedom in modern history.

But by staying home, New Zealanders have done something remarkable — we have saved lives.

In this time of crisis, we know you need quality, credible informatio­n now more than ever — the world we live in is complex and challengin­g.

At the New Zealand Herald, we are committed to delivering that to you.

It’s what we’ve done for more than 150 years — bringing you the journalism and stories that matter, holding the powerful to account and investigat­ing the stories behind the stories. In these unpreceden­ted times, that has never been more vital.

Today, it is a year since we launched NZ Herald Premium, our digital subscripti­on service bringing you the best journalism from New Zealand and the world.

NZ Herald Premium brings you expanded business, political and investigat­ive journalism, insightful analysis and commentary from our journalist­s in our newsrooms across the country.

It was a bold move, but a necessary one. At a time when you are turning to us in record numbers, the media has never been under greater financial pressure.

While most content remains free, it was important to put a stake in the ground to support the very best unique, exclusive journalism.

It is not cheap to fund quality journalism — it takes time, resource and effort to expose the truth, make a difference and fight on behalf of the public.

Digital subscripti­ons have opened a new revenue stream for us to help fund the future of quality journalism, just as our loyal print subscriber­s have done for the past 150 years.

We have been heartened and humbled by your support. Thousands of you have bought a subscripti­on in the past year — thank you, your support helps sustain our journalism and is deeply appreciate­d.

In the past year we have published hundreds of Premium stories across news, sport, business, politics, lifestyle and entertainm­ent.

Our work sits proudly alongside a selection of exclusive content from our global publishing partners including the New York Times, Financial Times and the Times of London.

It has been the most

astonishin­g of years. Even before Covid-19 turned our world on its head, our nation has grappled with the aftermath of the Christchur­ch mosque attacks and the tragedy of White Island.

We marked the 40th anniversar­y of the Erebus disaster, and we were there as the Silver Ferns savoured World Cup glory and the Black Caps and the All Blacks suffered heartbreak. And we continued our Fair Care health probe into major treatment inequities across our health system.

The first global stories about coronaviru­s emerged from Wuhan, China, while Kiwis enjoyed their Christmas breaks at the beach and the bach.

Four months on, no one could have predicted this — New Zealanders staying home in a desperate bid to flatten the curve, our economy in crisis and our borders closed.

As the Prime Minister said, we went early and we went hard — and watched as other countries around the world followed our lead.

Our newsrooms have remained working around the clock to bring you the latest developmen­ts on this crisis, both from home and overseas.

Our aim with NZ Herald Premium is to fill gaps in your knowledge, inform, entertain, delight — and expand your world view. We are thrilled that our journalism is resonating.

Our politics and business coverage has been devoured, along with expert analysis and commentary from our team.

Some of the most popular stories have been our analysis of the best-performing company directors over the past decade; and when we have lifted the curtain to take you inside the Beehive — revealing Jacinda Arden’s inner circle, and going inside the coalition Government.

But you also wanted to read about motorways, gangs, climate change and big business like Fonterra and Air New Zealand.

You wanted insight and analysis. And you wanted coverage from around the world.

We are proud of our journalism and our journalist­s, who are — like you — currently working in trying circumstan­ces. We will continue to keep you informed.

A year after launch, it remains just as true that now, more than ever, we need your help to continue to deliver the news you can trust.

To those who have already joined us, welcome. If you are yet to, we look forward to having you on board.

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