The New Zealand Herald

Beauty Revolution­ised


Change, is here to stay, and Ingestible Beauty is leading the way. It goes without saying, health and wellness starts with eating whole foods, drinking water, exercising, resting your body and practicing mindfulnes­s and meditation. It is this mind-set that has helped to redefine the beauty industry and pave the way for the emergent 'Ingestible Beauty' industry, revolution­ising beauty as we know it. While Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol and AHA’s have long been hailed as the holy grail of skin care, while they may feel great and give a temporary fix, they still only address the symptoms and not the cause. Ingestible beauty has exploded as the fastest growing sector in the beauty industry due to one simple fact, we now can address the cause and when we address the cause, the symptoms can be cured. The conscious movement towards mindful consumptio­n both internally and externally has led to the alignment of health and wellbeing including personal beauty, with ingestible beauty routines now becoming the norm. Cultivatin­g beauty from within is not just a philosophy, it is solidly based on scientific research. The most abundant protein in our bodies is Collagen constituti­ng 75% of the dry weight of our skin. Collagen forms our connective tissue in joints, hair, nails and much more. Ingestible beauty Bellē lets you nourish your skin from within ensuring boosted collagen production, improved hair growth, and heightened cell turnover. Beauty is truly an inside job, which is why it is so important to address underlying issues that may be causing inflammati­on, breakouts, dark circles and more. What you ingest has a direct impact on your skin and complexion, and ingestible supplement­s Qt Internal Cosmetics have ingredient­s and nutrients we may not have in therapeuti­c doses in our daily diet. Marine collagen, lotus, silica, tremella and vitamin c all play a huge part in supporting our bodies natural collagen production, hydration, cellular repair and revitalisi­ng our body from the inside out. Qt Internal Cosmetics – The global award winning ingestible beauty brand is specifical­ly formulated for both men and women to support and enhance your body from the inside out. Because beauty, health and wellness starts from within and shines out. Find Qt Internal Cosmetics at Facebook: qtforyou Insta: qt.foryou

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As a special gift from QT Internal Cosmetics for you, please use the Code: QT20 for 20% off you first order, enjoy!

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