The New Zealand Herald

How far do we go?


Remember the abhorrence we expressed towards Isis and its desecratio­n and destructio­n of monuments that did not accord with its views along with its enslavemen­t of others.

How should we now view the cradles of civilisati­on be they Mesopotami­a, Egypt, Indus Valley, China, Greeks and Romans which were all sustained by slavery.

We revere the ancient Greeks and their philosophe­rs and the birth of democracy. One of the greats was Aristotle who extolled the natural virtues of slavery. Do we now destroy all that associated with these ancient errant civilisati­ons?

Then we come to the European colonisers who specifical­ly set out to claim possession of other people’s property and in the process generally enslave their peoples. Predominan­t among them was of course that Great British Empire.

As to slavery, we might even consider New Zealand’s part in blackbirdi­ng, the slave trade involving various Pacific Islanders transporte­d to Queensland, South America and other places. Last but not least our own Māori society with a history that involved conquest over others, taking of hostages to become slaves or enjoyed by other means.

Do we now obliterate all uncomforta­ble connection­s? We cannot change the past — we should learn from it and set out to enhance the future for all of us.

John Simons, Orewa.

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