The New Zealand Herald


Create a moment of calm with this botanical recipe by Eleanor Ozich using Ti Ora tea


Nature is good for the soul. Trees, plants, sand, water—natural scenes like these are scientific­ally proven to boost mood and reduce stress, promoting feelings of balance and calm. Reconnecti­ng with t he environmen­t and its healing properties is more important than ever when globally, things are everchangi­ng and the pressure son day-to-day life are in overdrive.

Ti Or a, a nature-loving tea brand from New Zealand, and award- winning cookbook author and food writer Eleanor Ozichhadt hi sin mind when t hey came together to create a series of recipes using New Zealand botanicals found in Ti Ora tea blends. The recipes feature three New Zealand native botanicals — kawakawa, mānuka and horopito, aimed at inspiring mindful moments and a chance to reconnect with nature.

Longtime Viva contributo­r and Piha local Eleanor is known for using whole, natural ingredient­s in her recipes and food writing. “Everything just tastes really simple and is exactly as nature intended it ,” she says. She’s also an advocate for health and wellbeing and t he grounding power of simple rituals, like enjoying a cup of tea.

Just like a bracing walk in dense native bush, Eleanor’s first recipe in the three-part series is a revitalisi­ng ice tea using beautiful shinyleave­d fresh kawakawa. The Kawakawa Ice Tea Spritzer is made with Ti Ora Green Tea Peach + Passionfru­it tea bags, kawakawa leaves, honey and soda water. Despite its summery name and appearance, this iced te asp ritz er is great to enjoy all year round, says Eleanor, especially as an afternoon pick- me- up. “The kawakawa adds a really beautiful, fresh distinctiv­e flavour .”

Working with Ti Ora tea to create t his recipe is an inspired partnershi­p, since the botanicals found in Ti Ora tea blends have been used for centuries to help support wellbeing. Its teas and infusions are uniquely blended with native New Zealand botanicals including mānuka, horopito and kawakawa, which are highlighte­d in this recipe series. These botanicals grow in abundance in Aotearoa and impart a unique flavour.

Kawakawa leaves have aromatic, fresh peppery notes which complement t he taste of green tea well - and go beautifull­y with honey. Native to New Zealand, the name kawakawa in Māori refers to the bitter taste of the leaves, from’ kawa’ bitter. Kawakawa is used in both sweet and savoury cooking and can also be found in balms, oils and skincare.

This refreshing tea is a perfect opportunit­y to take a moment of quiet contemplat­ion while t he tea, kawakawa leaves and honey steep and in fuse. Eleanor finds a sense of delight from the moment the water begins to boil .“I think it actually starts right from the beginning of the process. My ideal mindful moment is sitting and enjoying a cup of tea, so it’ s putting the kettle on, taking time to consider how I feel and what kind of tea I feel like drinking, and then it’ s taking a moment to sit and enjoy it without interrupt ions .”

Ti Ora has t he same philosophy when it comes to tea. A cup of tea is never just a cup of tea. It’ s a chance to sit down, slow down, and take a moment to reflect. That’s why its tea is made from large-cut leaf pieces — all wrapped up in a plant based pyramid tea bag. It allows the ingredient­s to in fuse and release beautifull­y bold flavours and aromas. For Eleanor, a cup of tea facilitate­s being organised, and the satisfacti­on it brings is the best part of her day. “I love to be organised and t hat includes sitting down and enjoying a cup of tea and getting my thoughts onto paper. That really for some reason brings me a lot of joy ,” she laughs. Feeling grounded and at ease can also be brought on by nature. The warmth of t he sun and clean, crisp freshness of the air can combine to rest our mind and spirit. That’s why this recipe, infused with New Zealand botanicals, aims to bring a little bit of nature through at all glass of iced tea.

Visit Viva. co. nz to watch Eleanor Ozich recreate this recipe, and visit Ti- ora. nz to f ind out more about Ti Ora’s tea blends.

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