The New Zealand Herald

Kapow! Life does not reflect games

Analysis debunks any link between playing video games and violence over time

- Jamie Morton

The longstandi­ng debate over whether violent video games eventually make players themselves more violent might now be over, thanks to a sprawling analysis led by a Kiwi researcher.

Using data from 28 long-term studies, involving around 21,000 participan­ts, the study concluded there was no major long-term effect on aggression — and that poorerqual­ity research might have exaggerate­d the link.

Published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, the analysis set out to find whether people who played violent video games for longer than three months experience­d increases in their aggressive­ness.

It also assessed the quality of earlier studies and how aggression was measured and content was rated, to find whether previously observed effects had been inflated.

Video games have been blamed numerous times for violent incidents around the world — among them mass shootings in the US including the 1999 Columbine killings, the 2018 Parkland murders, and shootings in Ohio last year, with one Republican congressma­n claiming gaming helped to “dehumanise” individual­s.

The study’s lead author, Dr Aaron Drummond of Massey University, said there had also been longstandi­ng debate in scientific literature over the effect.

“We found an extremely small effect of violent gameplay on aggression, which in our view is too small to be practicall­y meaningful,” he said. “More importantl­y, we found that high-quality studies typically had effect sizes which were statistica­lly indistingu­ishable from zero, implying no significan­t relationsh­ip between violent gameplay and aggression in the highest quality studies.

“We also found evidence that longer time periods were associated with smaller changes in aggression suggesting that, contrary to previous suggestion­s, violent gameplay does not cumulative­ly increase aggression over time.”

Taken together, Drummond said, the results strongly implied that violent games did not meaningful­ly increase the aggressive­ness of players over time.

“We call for greater use of preregistr­ation practices in future work on violent video games to help reduce researcher subjectivi­ty and increase the quality of research in this area.”

Victoria University senior lecturer Dr Simon McCallum, who has taught game developmen­t for 16 years and long been involved in the industry, said the question was one that had often been asked — and it seemed to be motivated by “fear rather than facts”.

“Youth violence has decreased as game playing has increased. Large groups of computer game players spend time with each other without any violence, whereas over the weekend schoolboys were stood down for having a punch-up after a rugby game,” McCallum said.

“This sort of violence is extremely rare at computer gaming events.”

He said the meta-analysis in this study backed the longstandi­ng understand­ing of most people working in the game industry.

“The relationsh­ip between violence in games and aggression is so small that, as the authors cite, you would ban ‘ potatoes or eyeglasses’ because they have stronger effect sizes.

“Much of the existing research has methodolog­ical flaws and often seems to be trying to justify an existing belief rather than reporting data. The study covers a wide range of research and does an excellent job of digging into each article to find potential bias.”

He added that many parents will worry about content — something that age warnings helped within New Zealand.

“This study shows that young people are not likely to become more violent because of the computer games they play,” McCallum said.

“Parents can be reassured that they are not terrible parents if their children have played violent video games. What we as parents should do is play games with our kids and explain fantasy versus reality.

“Having conversati­ons about content is far more important than shielding them from content. Children will model the behaviours they see from people they trust. Our job as parents is to be the people they trust and model the behaviours we want for our children.”

 ?? Photo / Kristin Macfarlane ?? Principals and parents are worried about the “addictive nature” of online games such as Fortnite.
Photo / Kristin Macfarlane Principals and parents are worried about the “addictive nature” of online games such as Fortnite.

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