The New Zealand Herald

Australia rocked by worst day for new virus cases


Australia yesterday broke its record for coronaviru­s case numbers.

The nation’s highest day of new cases was back in March with a total of 460 cases across all states.

Yesterday Victoria alone topped that number with 484 new cases. If you include the 16 new cases in NSW and one in Queensland, it brings yesterday’s total to 501 new cases.

The country’s cases peaked on March 28 with 460 cases — that included Victoria’s 111 cases and 212 in NSW — but Victoria has recorded massive spikes over the past two weeks. The state’s previous record was 428 new cases last Friday.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said if you did a weekly average of coronaviru­s cases the state was seeing some stability.

“We’re not seeing that doubling and doubling again every couple of days,” he said. “But we’re certainly not seeing numbers come down as we would like them to.”

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklia­n said the state was at the most important moment in its battle against the coronaviru­s.

“This is the most critical time for our state. If we manage to get on top of the community transmissi­on at this stage, we have a much better chance of continuing the move forward in a positive way, but the next few weeks are critical. We are not out of the woods by any stretch, quite the opposite.”

NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant said NSW residents should limit their non-essential travel and gatherings over the next three weeks.

“What we are suggesting over this next period of time, can everyone just reflect on their travel arrangemen­ts, their non-essential travel,” she said.


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