The New Zealand Herald

Egypt approves deploying troops in Libya


Egypt’s parliament has approved a potential military interventi­on in Libya that risks bringing US allies Egypt and Turkey into open conflict.

Egyptian MPs have voted unanimousl­y to approve the deployment of troops abroad to fight “foreignspo­nsored terrorist groups” and “militias”.

The resolution gave no time frame and made no mention of Turkey, or even Libya specifical­ly, referring instead to a western deployment. But it risks escalating the spiralling conflict in Libya, where foreign powers have ignored an arms embargo to support the country’s warring factions with weapons and fighters.

Since 2014, Libya has been split between the UN-recognised Government of National Accord in Tripoli and a rival administra­tion in the east led by strongman Khalifa Hifter.

Egypt, which says it is concerned for the security of its western border, has bombed suspected militants in Libya and supports Hifter, who is also backed by the UAE and Russia.

Turkish military support for the GNA enabled the Tripoli government to fight off a 14-month offensive by Hifter’s forces to seize the capital.

The offensive finally collapsed last month and forces loyal to the GNA have since pushed back pro-Hifter groups back to the central coastal city of Sirte. Egyptian President AbdelFatta­h al-Sisi warned last week that Sirte was a “red line” and that an attack on the city would prompt an Egyptian military interventi­on in defence of its border.

The resolution could lead to clashes between Egypt and Turkey and was taken after a phone call in which US president Donald Trump urged Sisi not to escalate the situation in Libya.

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