The New Zealand Herald

UK calls on Kiwi startup that helped build Covid Tracer app

Expert lauds tech startup for its work on NZ’s own app

- Chris Keall

The UK’s National Health Service tapped New Zealand’s Rush Digital for help as it ramped up its Covid-19 tracing efforts, the Wellington web shop’s chief executive Pavan Vyas reveals.

Rush Digital consulted to the NHS as a mid-September deadline loomed for a compulsory check-in poster display. The New Zealand company advised on the best QR code format, and how to gear up for QR code posters to be generated en masse.

The privately held web developer won the Ministry of Health’s tender to be its private partner on the NZ Covid Tracer app. But the launch didn’t go smoothly.

After the app’s launch on May 20, hardly a day went by without a vox pop on the TV news featuring punters who couldn’t scan posters with it.

Dr Andrew Chen, a research fellow with Auckland University’s Koi Tu¯: The Centre for Informed Futures, says the issue was that posters had been going up at cafes, shops, clubs and churches for a month by that point.

From the first lockdown in March, there had been demand from many organisati­ons, small businesses and employers for some kind of check-in system, and many web developers rushed in to fill the gap.

“Most of them were wellintent­ioned but confusing,” Chen says. Still, by the time the official NZ Covid Tracer app arrived, there was a mishmash of posters and apps. It wasn’t that NZ Covid Tracer didn’t work. Instead, the researcher collected example after example of people who were trying to use a thirdparty app with a poster made for NZ Covid Tracer, or NZ Covid Tracer with a third-party app.

“It would have been helpful if the Ministry of Health had taken a stronger position over all the private sector creating apps,” Chen says. Some had what appeared to be Government or MoH badging.

It took a while until people realised that NZ Covid Tracer was the app that mattered.

And it was not until August 19 that it was made compulsory for businesses to display the Government’s official QR code poster.

Vyas says Rush Digital has had up to 15 staff working on NZ Covid Tracer on any given day. It always hit its deadlines, or at least to a margin of within days — no mean feat in an industry were projects routinely go twice over time.

The chief executive says both the MoH and Rush Digital pitched in with feature ideas, but the ministry, ultimately, decided which made the cut and, in which order.

At times, events higher up the food chain had a big influence on the app. Cabinet papers released in July, for example, showed that Cabinet considered mandatory NZ Covid Tracer QR code poster display in April, before deciding not to go with a compulsory order at that time (its view of voluntary display proved too sunny and, in hindsight, there was no appreciati­on of the confusion that would be caused by third-party posters filling the breach).

Chen gives Rush Digital high marks overall. He says it’s done a good job on NZ Covid Tracer. It stands up well against similar efforts overseas. Most of its issues and feature delays, such as they’ve been, have been down to politics or communicat­ions, and have been minor against problems in other countries.

The first version of NZ Covid Tracer could have been rushed out the door in mid-April or earlier he says, but it would have been a simple digital diary app, with no ability to scan check-in posters.

NZ Covid Tracer has now gone through three versions.

The most recent, released earlier this month, added the key feature of automated Bluetooth tracking — so that, if you opt-in, wireless technology in your smartphone tracks who you have been in close proximity with, and for how long (as long as they have the same feature enabled for NZ Covid Tracer on their phone).

Singapore released a smartphone contact tracing app with Bluetooth on March 20. Australia followed suit on April 26. Why did it take until December for NZ Covid Tracer to get the same feature?

Vyas says Singapore and Australia jumped the gun. The Bluetooth tracking technology they introduced was too glitchy. There was just no good way, at the time, to get the different versions of strengths of Bluetooth on different phones to talk to each other without a mess of falseposit­ives.

Chen says it was a good call for New Zealand to wait for Apple and Google to jointly develop their Exposure Notificati­on Framework (which works under the bonnet to solve most problems with different types of phones communicat­ing), and to wait for a few iterations until issues were ironed out.

The Auckland University academic says NZ Covid Tracer is now the equal to any tracing app anywhere.

And Vyas is proud of the way his company won the tender — Rush Digital began studying tech strategist Roger Dennis’ work on the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in February and created an app to help small businesses prepare for a pandemic shortly afterwards — and the fact that more than 60 per cent of adults have downloaded NZ Covid Tracer.

Still, the blunt fact remains that few use it.

On the first Monday in December, before the Bluetooth upgrade, only 8 per cent of us scanned a poster.

And even during scares, such as the second lockdown in Auckland, Ministry of Health stats have shown us falling short of a million active devices per day.

Does that frustrate Rush Digital, as the app’s developer?

Vyas frames the problem in broader terms. “It’s like, okay, now the challenge is: How do we design and operate the platform so that people actually use it, and then they feel the need to use it, and not just from an app perspectiv­e.

“If you’ve dined out or been on a flight recently, you would have noticed that we’re no longer disinfecti­ng. We’re still hugging in public, and not really thinking hard about social distancing.”

The success of border closures and other measures mean Kiwis have become complacent amid the extended absence of community transmissi­on.

“So it’s a constant design challenge, and technology challenge over time, of how do we actually improve an evolved platform so that more people use it more regularly? I guess Bluetooth is a part of that,” Vyas says.

Chen says he would also like to see more accessible options added for the deaf and vision impaired beyond the current vibration to signal a successful QR code scan.

Vyas says support for additional languages, and more accessible features, are on Rush Digital’s radar now that it’s had time to catch its breath.

The Ministry of Health did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment on NZ Covid Tracer’s budget to date and other points.

If you’ve dined out . . . recently, you would have noticed that we’re [not really] thinking hard about social distancing. Pavan Vyas, Rush Digital

 ??  ?? Rush Digital CEO Pavan Vyas says getting more Kiwis to use the NZ Covid Tracer app is a design challenge.
Rush Digital CEO Pavan Vyas says getting more Kiwis to use the NZ Covid Tracer app is a design challenge.

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