The New Zealand Herald


The Kiwi Sailor on his dream holiday

- Phil Robertson

What are your favourite memories from childhood family holidays in New Zealand?

The top of my list has to be the family camping trips. We would load two cars full of toys, tents and yachts and take off for two weeks with about five other families. We’d set up the tent commune and then fill the days with all the fun activities the New Zealand summers had to offer. A couple of flooded and rained-out holidays in the tent too but they were just as memorable.

Where is your favourite off-the-beaten-track/secret spot in NZ to get away from it all?

I really love Northland’s Bream Bay. It’s 22km of pristine beach with hardly a soul in sight. You’re more likely to see horses running on the beach than people. The small towns along the bay offer great vibes, food and a real local feel with a must-stop at Togs Togs Undies Cafe.

If you were heading on a family getaway, where would you go?

I love getting out into the Hauraki Gulf. If I had a choice,

I’d pile the whole family on to a yacht and head off to all the islands the Hauraki Gulf has. Great Barrier Island takes top spot with its rugged nature and off-the-grid living, spectacula­r walks, views to behold and endless ocean activities.

What’s your dream New Zealand road trip?

I’d fit out a van with my own style and comforts. Load it with bikes, kiteboards, foils, surfboards and any other toys I can fit in. My route would be a round trip from Cape Rēinga to Bluff, doing both coasts over a summer. The ever-changing coastline of New Zealand offers so much diversity so I’d want to experience it all. I’d try to fit in as many of the Great Walks and bike trails as I could.

And if you could choose one ultimate, luxury, dream holiday in NZ, where would you go?

I’d go to the Bay of Islands on a nice yacht, loaded with mates and foiling toys. I’d have a chef on board to cook all the meals so food prep didn’t get in the way of the endless water activities. Dreamy.

 ?? Photo / Supplied ?? Phil Robertson is part of the TVNZ commentary team for the 36th America’s Cup, available live and free on TVNZ, starting with the Prada America’s Cup World Series, December 17, 2pm, TVNZ 1.
Phil Robertson on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing.
Photo / Supplied Phil Robertson is part of the TVNZ commentary team for the 36th America’s Cup, available live and free on TVNZ, starting with the Prada America’s Cup World Series, December 17, 2pm, TVNZ 1. Phil Robertson on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing.

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