The New Zealand Herald

Grim advert of suicide sent off-air

- Michael Neilson

A harrowing three-minute film depicting a struggling pregnant woman who ended up taking her own life has been ordered off-air.

The video was part of a campaign by Mothers Matter to raise awareness about postnatal depression and lobby the Government to provide more support to new parents.

The film, created by Moonshine Films in partnershi­p with Mothers Matter, ends with the words “We approached the Government for help. They turned us away.”

While it drew strong reactions from the public and politician­s at the time, others including the Mental Health Foundation were concerned about it potentiall­y triggering people struggling with mental health, and a lack of warnings in some screenings.

The ASA upheld all 13 complaints it received about the advertisem­ent in part, finding the “confrontin­g content could act as a trigger for vulnerable viewers of any age and was likely to cause harm to some consumers” and ordering it off-air.

The independen­t Commercial Approvals Bureau’s rating allowed it to be broadcast any time except during children’s programmin­g.

The Complaints Board said the classifica­tion and placement of the advertisem­ent were “inappropri­ate given the confrontin­g subject matter and the depiction of a method of suicide”, and should have been rated at least adults only.

The Herald ran the video the day the campaign was launched as part of news coverage about the issue, and reactions of politician­s.

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