The New Zealand Herald

Witnesses describe anger as Floyd stopped moving


Onlookers grew increasing­ly angry as they begged Minneapoli­s Officer Derek Chauvin to take his knee off George Floyd’s neck, but Chauvin would not let up, and another officer forced back members of the crowd who tried to intervene, witnesses testified yesterday at Chauvin’s murder trial.

Witness after witness described how Chauvin was unmoved by their pleas, with the teenager who shot the harrowing video of the arrest that set off nationwide protests testifying that the officer gave the crowd a “cold” and “heartless” stare.

“He didn’t care. It seemed as if he didn’t care what we were saying,” said 18-year-old Darnella Frazier, one of several witnesses who testified through tears.

Chauvin continued to kneel on Floyd while fellow Officer Tou Thao held the crowd of about 15 back, even when one of the onlookers identified herself as a firefighte­r and pleaded to check

Floyd’s pulse, according to witnesses and bystander video.

The firefighte­r, Genevieve Hansen, wept as she recalled how she was stopped from giving medical assistance to Floyd.

“There was a man being killed,” said Hansen, who said she had emergency medical technician training. “I would have been able to provide medical attention to the best of my abilities. And this human was denied that right.”

Chauvin, 45, is charged with murder and manslaught­er, accused of killing Floyd last May by pinning the 46-year-old handcuffed black man to the pavement for what prosecutor­s said was 9 minutes and 29 seconds.

The defence says Chauvin did what he was trained to do and that Floyd’s death was caused by a combinatio­n of drug use, heart disease, high blood pressure and adrenaline.

Yesterday, the prosecutio­n asked multiple witnesses to describe their horror at what they saw, buttressin­g the testimony with multiple videos, some of which had never been seen before. Many testified about feelings of helplessne­ss and guilt as Floyd gasped for air, pleaded for his life and finally fell limp and silent. The testimony was apparently aimed at showing Chauvin had multiple opportunit­ies to think about what he was doing and change course.

But Chauvin lawyer Eric Nelson sought to emphasise anger in the crowd, in an apparent attempt to show that Chauvin and his fellow officers were in a tense and distractin­g situation as the onlookers became more and more agitated.

Donald Williams, one of the onlookers, testified that he called 911 after paramedics took Floyd away, “because I believed I witnessed a murder”.

During crossexami­nation, Chauvin’s lawyer pointed out that Williams seemed to grow increasing­ly angry at the police, taunting Chauvin with expletives.

Williams, a profession­al mixed martial arts fighter, initially admitted he was getting angrier, but backtracke­d and said he was was pleading for Floyd’s life but wasn’t being heard.

Williams said he was stepping on and off the curb and, at one point, Thao put his hand on Williams’ chest. Williams admitted under questionin­g that he told Thao he would beat the officers if Thao touched him again. But witnesses also testified that no bystanders actually interfered with police.

Prosecutor­s also played cellphone video recorded by another bystander, 18-year-old Alyssa Funari, that showed onlookers shouting and screaming at Chauvin after Floyd stopped moving. The footage also showed the Minneapoli­s firefighte­r calmly walk up to Thao and offer to help, before he ordered her to get back on the footpath.

“I felt like there wasn’t really anything I could do as a bystander. Technicall­y I could’ve did something, but I couldn’t really do anything physically . . . because the highest power was there at the time,” Funari said, referring to the police.

 ?? Photo / AP ?? Firefighte­r Genevieve Hansen wept as she recalled being unable to give medical assistance to George Floyd.
Photo / AP Firefighte­r Genevieve Hansen wept as she recalled being unable to give medical assistance to George Floyd.

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