The New Zealand Herald

A seismic shift in US foreign policy

- Christophe­r Meyer analysis Sir Christophe­r Meyer is a former UK ambassador to the US and Germany

US President Joe Biden’s address to the American people on Wednesday was his most comprehens­ive justificat­ion to date for withdrawal from Afghanista­n — a withdrawal attended by chaos, bloodshed and the abandonmen­t of military equipment. But that is what defeat looks like.

His address will not have satisfied those who question the wisdom of a deadline that handed the initiative to the enemy or of using Donald Trump’s deeply-flawed 2020 deal with the Taliban as a basis for withdrawal. It will not have satisfied those who wonder why the great military base and airfield at Bagram was abandoned so early. It will certainly not have satisfied the British Government and Nato allies who stood shoulder to shoulder with America in its hour of anguish after the 9/11 attack in 2001, invoking for the first time Article five of the Nato treaty, which deems an attack on one is an attack on all members of the alliance.

Biden’s address had not one word of appreciati­on for the sacrifices made by Britain and other Nato allies in Afghanista­n. So much for Article five being a “sacred commitment”, as Biden put it in June.

Yet, Biden has done us a favour. Foreign policy works best when, stripped of illusions and overblown rhetoric, it is based on a hard-headed calculatio­n of national interests. The real significan­ce of Biden’s words on Wednesday is an apparent recognitio­n of these home truths. There are even the first signs of a Biden Doctrine, which, if implemente­d, would mark a radical break with the past.

The Pax Americana, sometimes piously called “the rules-based system of internatio­nal order”, has prevailed since World War II. It is now starting to fracture, above all from the competitiv­e impact of China. Throughout America’s long dominance of the world stage, presidents, Democrat and Republican, have seen it as America’s mission to spread Western-style democracy and values around the world.

It has been the hubristic belief that Western values should be universall­y applied that has led to the folly of nation-building and the ignominiou­s calamity in Afghanista­n. A punitive expedition against al-Qaeda in 2001 was one thing; but to seek, against the grain of history, culture and religion, to rebuild the country from the ground up, in the name of Western democracy and human rights, was doomed from the start.

The British should have known this had we bothered to study our own history. Britain intervened in Afghanista­n twice in the 19th century and once in the 20th century. None of these interventi­ons turned out well, none was of lasting benefit to Britain, none changed Afghanista­n.

A veteran of the First Afghan War warned on the eve of the second: “A new generation has arisen which, instead of profiting from the solemn lessons of the past, is willing and eager to embroil us in the affairs of that turbulent and unhappy country . . . an advance now, however successful from a military point of view, would not fail to turn out to be politicall­y useless.”

Reporting in 1898 from the borders of what is now Pakistan and Afghanista­n, a young cavalryman and journalist writing for the Daily Telegraph, Winston Churchill, described what he called the “riddle of the frontier” — you could subdue and disarm the Pashtun of Helmand province, the forefather­s of today’s Taliban, but you could never beat them. In Churchill’s words: “Their fanaticism remains unshaken.”

To these we can add the failed Soviet interventi­on of 1979-89 and America’s own experience. Biden seems to have taken their lessons to heart, saying: “The decision about Afghanista­n is not just about Afghanista­n. It’s about ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries.” In other words, America is done with nation-building from the barrel of a gun. It is an implicit repudiatio­n of many of his predecesso­rs.

This is not isolationi­sm. It is a doctrine intended to align interventi­on abroad with American interests and achievable goals, such as the punishment of terrorist acts. Only time will tell how Biden chooses to apply it more broadly. He could make a start by sending Tony Blinken to discuss with some very bruised allies what the new direction in US foreign policy actually means.—

 ?? Photo / AP ?? US President Joe Biden.
Photo / AP US President Joe Biden.

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